Chapter Twenty

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The guys order in Chinese and we all sit around eating and chatting until Cian and Finn have to head off to 'work'. Even after being filled in on so much the details around what 'work' looks like for the two of them are pretty vague but after the info dump I've had this evening I don't pry for anymore details instead I say goodbye to them both and then head off to my room.

"Stas wait up" Blake calls from behind me and I a turn I see him stalking towards me rubbing his hand against the back of his neck like he's feeling uneasy about something.

"What's up?" I ask in a chilled way but his expression makes me feel anything but that.

"Hugh told us about Damien, what he... well after the other day I want you to know that-" he says in a jumble of words and I want to curse Hugh for dragging that stuff about Damien out of me.

This was part of the reason I didn't want any of them to know, because of the look Blake is giving me right now. Like I'm this damaged girl that has to be coddled and can't have desires because I've got trauma.

"Oh for god sake" I whine cutting him off and I huff in frustration which causes his brows to pinch together.

"Don't cheapen it like that. I didn't suck your dick because I felt like I had to Blake" I say out right, not beating around the bush at all. "I did it because I wanted to, because I wanted you" I then say.

He seems to digest what I say for a moment and then his brows rise as a slight smirk spreads across his lips "Wanted me huh? As in past tense?" He queries and thanks fuck that lightheartedness is back because I've had enough pity to last me a lifetime.

The way he looks at me sends a flutter straight through me and I try not to hesitate when the next words leave my mouth.

"Oh I still do" I say with a smirk and turn on my heels to head towards my room.

In all honesty I have no fucking idea what I'm doing. The fact that things have been going on between me and Finn should make me want to steer clear of Blake, hell he should want to keep away from me but that clearly isn't the case.

Do I understand any of it? No

But do I want to explore it? More than I can even comprehend.

"Stas you can't say that and then just walk away from me" he calls from behind me.

"I'm going to bed" I say my footsteps not halting but I do turn to face him as I walk backwards. "But there's nothing stopping you from joining me Blake" I then offer. Hoping that he'll take it.

I have no idea what goes through his head in that moment but he briefly glances in the directions of where his brothers are and I half expect him to turn down my offer but whatever thoughts he does have are quickly dealt with because with a slight shake of his head he's then following me.

I go straight into my room and as I turn he kicks the door closed behind him.

There's an intense apprehensive silence that builds between us and I quickly realise I am in no way dressed for this. I slip the oodie off over my head leaving me in just my matching lace set and from the way his eyes rake over me I assume he likes what he sees.

"Oh yeah I definitely prefer this outfit more" he says confirming my thoughts and I can't help the slight flush that spreads up my neck.

Reaching behind me I unclasp my bra and then slip my arms out of the straps allowing it to fall to the floor.

His eyes follow it's decent but they're straight back on me, those green pools of his darkening.

Then he's taking slow calculated steps towards me, the anticipation the builds inside me with each one is almost too much for me to take, the throbbing at my core only becoming more intense.

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