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Cocos pov

Touching down in Monaco, I can't help but admire the beauty of this place. But I'm not here for leisure. I'm here to redeem myself and save someone I once betrayed.

I feel terrible for her, I'm ashamed of what I did. Being one of his victims myself, it's strange to now include myself and Stella in that category.

"Here is good," I instruct the driver as he pulls up in front of Stella's apartment building.

I can't imagine where he might be keeping her, but I hope it's not some grimy basement filled with rats and spiders.

As I step out of the car, my eyes search for the entrance to the building. Immediately upon entering, I spot Liam, and my heart plummets. It's been a while since I've seen him, and he's clearly not the same. A bruise darkens his eye, and two of his fingers are taped together.

The sight of Liam's injuries only confirms that Stella was fighting for her life.

"Liam..." I mumble, and he pushes himself off the wall, making his way toward me. "Hello, Coco Brown," he smirks. "Are you sure you want to do this? She's a bit of a bitch." He tilts his head, and I hesitate for a few seconds before nodding. The urge to punch him in the balls is almost overwhelming.

He motions with his hands for me to follow him, and reluctantly, I do.

He guides us down the stairs to a more dilapidated area of the apartment building.

We continue descending until we reach what looks like a small, neglected laundromat room.

"Before this was an apartment building, it used to be a laundromat. No one comes here, so it's the perfect spot," he explains with a shrug. He then moves one of the rusty machines out of the way, revealing a door hidden behind it.

"I had to change the lock just to secure this damn door," he complains, pulling out a key and turning it in the lock.

I hold my breath as he opens the door, and what I see inside horrifies me.

Taking a small step forward, I can only stare at Stella, who looks unrecognizable.

She's only wearing a bra and a thong, which I assume were white but are now stained with blood. Cuts crisscross her arms, with smaller ones across her chest. Her hair is matted and unkempt, like it hasn't been brushed for months. She's lost a significant amount of weight and has massive eye bags. Her skin is pale as snow, and her eyes are bruised, with multiple bruises scattered across her body.

My heart aches for her as she slowly looks up. "Liam... please..." she mumbles, her voice barely audible.

But as she takes in the full view of the room, her eyes meet mine, and she shakes her head. "No, please no, I've had enough already," she rasps. If only she knew the extent of it all.

"Try and convince her," Liam suddenly says, shoving some papers in front of my face. I grab them and quickly look through them.

It's a marriage certificate. He wasn't joking.

"Got it," I nod, feeling a surge of dread. He hands me a knife from his pocket. "If she says no, cut her or something. I don't care. And ask for the money," he demands before closing the door behind him.

I look at Stella, horrified, and drop the knife before rushing to her side.

"Stella," I cup her cheeks, my heart breaking at the sight of her. "Oh my..." I stutter, feeling the chill of her skin. "You're fucking freezing," I remark, but then I feel my hand becoming wet, and I realize she's starting to cry.

"Please, don't," she begs, tears streaming down her face. "Why are you even here? How the fuck do you know Liam?" she cries out, and I take a deep breath before explaining everything.

"Stella, I'm here to fucking help you," I assure her, desperation in my voice. "I'll explain everything, but Lando—" I don't get to finish before she interrupts.

"Lan... Lando," she says softly, a small smile on her lips. I nod and continue. "Lando is flying over here soon. He got fucking forced into a meeting, but please listen. That man was worrying about you for days, and he would be here right now if he was able to. So don't worry, you're going to be safe," I assure her, smiling through my own tears as I look into her eyes.

"Why did no one fucking help me? It took you guys weeks. Why the hell was there no police called?" She cries, and I look down, biting my lip.

"Getting the police involved isn't a good idea. Liam has too many tricks up his sleeve that won't end well. And Lando, he's been fucking horrible, but he told me about the book. He dropped it off at your apartment," I explain, and she nods with a frown.

"Why? Why did you do it, and why the hell are you here?" she whispers, her voice trembling with emotion. I know what she's talking about, and I realize that I'll have to tell her everything during this time I have with her.

I sit on the floor with my legs crossed and start explaining.

"I was with Liam a few years ago," I begin.


A.N- why am I literally making Coco a better person than Lando right now😭 like Coco showed and Landos stuck in London.

But I hope y'all forgive Lando! He loves her trust me🤞🏼

Love yall tho!

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