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We were approaching the end of our holiday.

We only had a few more days until the boys had to return to racing, but I couldn't have wished for a better holiday. I don't think I've had this much fun in so long.

We ended up going hiking, hitting the beach, and soon we're off on a boat for the day.

But today we were going to a cooking class. I suggested it, and everyone was on board except for Charles, well... because he can't even make pasta. So naturally, he wasn't too thrilled about the idea.

As we hopped out of the car, Lando slipped his arm around my waist, and I nestled my head against his chest.

We had undoubtedly become closer, and with each passing day, my heart raced whenever he was near. The reason behind it remained a mystery to me.

As we entered the kitchen, Charles grumbled under his breath, "Stella, I really hate you for making me do this." I couldn't help but laugh, feeling Lando's hand still secure around my waist and my head resting comfortably against his chest. The scene felt oddly intimate as we were greeted by the chef, who was dressed in a traditional chef's outfit.

"Welcome, welcome to the kitchen where you'll be making your yummy food!" the chef exclaimed cheerfully.

"You six will be working in groups of two to make some of the best pasta possible! At the end, you'll be able to take it home and hopefully, it will be good enough to eat! Charles, I'm counting on you not to mess it up!" He chuckled, pointing at Charles, and the whole room bursts into laughter.

"How do you even know I'm bad at cooking?" Charles retorted, then he snapped his head to me. "Stella! Stop saying I'm bad at cooking!" He frowned, and I shrugged with a cheeky grin.

"Sorry," I mouthed to him with a smirk, then returned my attention back to the chef.

"Okay! Get to the workbench and start cooking! Obviously, I'll be demonstrating at the front if anyone needs help," he said as he looked at Charles, who threw his hands up in the air, shaking his head.

Soon, we all left to our benches, me working with Lando, Carlos with Rebecca, and Charles with Alex.

"Okay, I'll handle the dough, and you sprinkle the flour on it. Honestly, I have no idea how to cook, Stella," Lando said with an amused grin as he held the dough in his hands.

"Hey, you never know, it might just work!" I grinned as I grabbed the flour. I motioned for him to place the dough on the bench, which he did with a smile.

I began sprinkling the flour onto the dough, but Lando's movements with the dough caused the flour to go everywhere, covering both of us. We couldn't help but laugh at the mess we were making.

Amidst our laughter, I pointed at Lando's face, which was covered in flour splatters. "Oh my gosh! Look at your face," I exclaimed, unable to contain my laughter.

"Look at you, mate!" Lando raised his eyebrows, joining in the laughter. He then reached out and gently wiped some flour off my face, our eyes locked, and we shared a moment of silence as look down at me.

"Right, less mess, more pasta making," I said, regaining my focus on the task at hand. I nudged Lando aside playfully and took control of the dough.


"Guys! It's clear me and Rebecca won!" Carlos exclaims, holding up the container of pasta he made.

Amidst the ongoing arguments about whose pasta won, it's evident to everyone, including Lando and me, that we didn't come out on top.

Carlos and Rebecca's pasta definitely won. It was no surprise, considering Carlos's is basically a chef.

And Charles's pasta, well, let's just say it was more about presentation than taste, it came out a bit undercooked. But Charles insisted that appearance mattered more than flavor.

"Okay, okay, no more pasta talk!" I interject, and everyone turns to look at me, bursting into laughter.

"Look at yourself! You're covered in flour Stella!" Charles laughs, pointing at me with a teasing grin.

Okay, so what if I'm covered in flour? It's not like Lando isn't too, he literally has it throughout his hair. But I just ignore their laughter as we make our way home.

Once we're home, Lando jumps into the shower downstairs while I head to the one in our bedroom. After I finish, the house is silent. Everyone must be asleep already. I sit on the bed, clutching my laptop to my chest as I work on my book. However, after a while, I realize that Lando hasn't returned yet. Has he really been in the shower for that long?

Growing increasingly impatient, I set my laptop aside on the bed and make my way downstairs. The house is eerily quiet, with no lights on and no sign of Lando anywhere. I step into the bathroom he used earlier, but all I find are his clothes from today neatly folded on the counter.

Feeling a sense of unease, I decide to check around the living room, hoping to find some clue to Lando's whereabouts. As I peer out of the living room window, my eyes fall upon him, sitting alone by the pool's edge. The sight sends a shiver down my spine. What could he possibly be doing out there in.

With a furrowed brow and arms crossed tightly over my chest, I cautiously step outside into the night air. I approach Lando slowly, my footsteps barely making a sound on the tiled patio.

He sits on the edge of the pool, his feet skimming the surface of the water, only in his bathing suit shorts. The moonlight dances across his features, casting a gentle glow on his profile, which makes him look honestly beautiful.

I pause a few feet away from him, unsure of what to say or do. What could possibly be going through his mind at this late hour? There's no way he would be going for a swim right?

"Lan?" I murmur softly, my voice carrying on the gentle night breeze as I inch closer to him. He turns his head towards me, his eyes reflecting the moon that shines bright on him.

a faint smile graces his lips."Hi, Angel," he greets me with calmness.
"What are you doing? It's late, aren't you going to bed?" I inquire, stepping closer until I'm standing beside him, the warmth of his presence comforting.

Lando shakes his head gently, his gaze fixed on the water as he idly kicks his feet. "I just needed to do something to clear my mind, so I thought I'd take a night swim," he explains softly.

"Isn't it cold?" I raise an eyebrow, concern evident in my tone as I glance down at him. He shakes his head again, a small smile playing on his lips. "No, it's the perfect temperature. You can join me if you want," he offers, his voice inviting.

"I'm sorry, but I probably need to sleep," I decline, offering a small apologetic smile.

He nods in understanding "Goodnight then," he replies softly, his gaze lingering on me before he slowly eases himself into the water.

I watch him disappear beneath the surface, "Night, Lan," I murmur softly, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips, before turning to make my way back upstairs.

Back in my room, I find it hard to focus on my writing. Lando and his swim keeps creeping into my thoughts, and I can't shake the feeling away. Despite not feeling particularly tired, I decide to step away from my laptop and glance out the window at him.

There he is, still swimming alone in the pool, and I can't help but feel kinda sad for him. After a moment of hesitation, I realize I can't just ignore this nagging feeling.

Taking a deep breath, I make a snap decision. I might regret this, but I can't leave him out there alone.


A.N- this is mainly just a filler but don't worry next chapter it's gonna be a good one!!!

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