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I arrive at Charles' place and knock on the door. It swings open, revealing Carlos.

"Hey, Carlos?" I mumble, and he smiles, nodding. "Are you here for Charles?" he asks, and I nod in confirmation. Carlos steps away for a moment before returning.

"He's just making himself a sandwich, won't be too long. We can wait," Carlos mentions, leaning casually against the door frame. I give him a puzzled look.

"Why are you here?" I inquire, to which he looks up with a mischievous grin. "For sandwiches. A man's gotta eat," he shrugs, fidgeting with his hands.

"Can't I come in?" I raise an eyebrow, and he meets my gaze, trying to suppress a smile as he nibbles on the inside of his cheek.

"I don't think you want to," he says, and I roll my eyes. Why wouldn't I want to come into my brother's own home?

Ignoring his comment, I push through and make my way to the kitchen, where indeed, Charles is busy making himself a sandwich.

"Hi, Charlie," I mumble, and he looks up, his eyes widening in surprise. "Stella," he says softly, a small smile forming as he steps out from behind the counter to embrace me.

"How are you feeling? Better?" he asks, his hand rubbing my back gently as I pull away, feeling a mix of emotions.

"You ignored me for weeks, and now you're asking if I'm better?" I tilt my head, feeling a pang of hurt, and he furrows his brow, a look of confusion crossing his face.

"What... you said you wanted some space," he says, walking to the counter and grabbing his phone, then showing me messages between us.

As I read through them, my heart sinks, and I look back up at Charles, trying to hide the hurt. "Oh..." I murmur softly, feeling a wave of confusion washing over me. I never wrote those messages.

I would never say that, bro," I think, shaking my head in disbelief. And I would never want space from Charles. He's the only one who really understands me.

Realization hits me like a ton of bricks. The only one who would say something like that is Liam, and the only person who had access to my phone was Liam.

"How could I be so stupid?" I mutter to myself, feeling anger and betrayal welling up inside. I've been blaming Charles for not talking to me, but it was Liam. He literally told him to leave me alone.

No wonder Charles never tried to find me or wondered why I was gone. It all makes sense now.

But now I just play along with it. I can't bring myself to tell Charles that Liam wrote those messages, so I just nod and begin to walk over to the living room.

"I completely forgot, I'm so sorry, but yes, I'm better," I lie, forcing a smile despite the turmoil inside. In reality, I'm not better—that's why I've been going to therapy. Charles follows me quickly, then steps in front of me, gently guiding me in another direction.

"Yeah, that's good to hear. I was worried about you," Charles says softly, his hand resting on my shoulder as he guides me back into the kitchen.

"Are you okay? I was just going to your living room?" I ask, feeling confused as I start to head back in the direction of the living room. That's when I see Carlos, and my confusion deepens.

"Not a good idea, uh, living room is lava, ooo hot!" Carlos interjects, and I raise my eyebrows, feeling even more puzzled.

"Can you guys just sto—" I don't finish my sentence as I stand in the middle of the living room, my eyes fixed on Lando's slumped body on the couch. Everything suddenly starts to make sense.

I turn and look at both of the boys, my eyes widening in shock. "Why the fuck is he here?" I say, my voice laced with disbelief. Carlos and Charles exchange glances, a silent exchange passing between them.

Charles made it clear he couldn't stand Lando. So why is he letting him in his house.

But seeing Lando here, I know I can't stay. I can't handle seeing him right now.

"I had no choice, he was calling me all last night for me to pick him up. He was drunk, again..." Charles whispers, sounding defeated. I shake my head in disbelief.

"Drunk? Again? Oh gosh, no, I can't be here," I murmur, feeling overwhelmed. I take a step back, trying to distance myself from the situation.

"He's been drinking a lot... and he continues to come here because apparently this is the only place he feels closest to you, rather than actually going near you," Carlos explains, and I bite my lip, feeling a mix of frustration and sympathy wash over me as I stare at him.

"I can't be here, I'm sorry," I say, my voice trembling slightly as I rush to the door. Lando could wake up any minute, and I can't face him.

As much as I miss him and wish we were together, I just can't do it. The pain and confusion are too much to bear right now.

"Wait, Stella!" Charles calls out, and I turn to look at him. "Please come to Brazil, please. I haven't spent time with you in ages, and I know this is probably the wrong time to ask, but please," he pleads.

I stare at him, considering his request for a moment. "I can't, I'll see him..." I mumble, feeling conflicted.

"You'll be in the Ferrari hospitality and garage this whole weekend, and your friend Aaron? Right?" Charles tilts his head, and I nod in confirmation. "He's invited by Ferrari again, he's going to be there, so please just think about it," Charles pleads, his eyes pleading with me.

"I'll think about it, Charlie," I say softly, offering a small smile before turning to leave.

I can't believe what I saw in there. The mix of emotions swirling inside me makes it hard to think straight.


A.N- this magui and Lando drama is kinda crazy...

I support him no matter what he does, and I hate fans that don't accept his relationship with her, if your a real fan you would let him be, but I honestly I hope Magui is a changed person, because her past doesn't look very good for her.

But congratulations to them if there are in a relationship!


I'm trying to do an enemies to lovers book, and the main character and Camila! Who is a fashion designer!

So if I do end up publishing it I hope you enjoy it!

Love yall!

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