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I made my way to the McLaren hospitality with determination, ready to confront Lando about my feelings and address the presence of Coco in our lives.

It's surprising how different Coco's personality is compared to Zak's, considering he's such a nice guy. I wonder if she takes after her mother.

Entering the hospitality, I spot Oscar and approach him. "Is Lando still up in his drivers room?" I inquire, and he responds with a smile and a nod.

"Yep, he's still up there. Just went in a few minutes ago," Oscar replied with a smile, and I nodded, returning the smile before heading towards Lando's drivers room.

I can't help but feel a knot in my stomach as I approach Lando's driver's room. It shouldn't be a big deal, just discussing how I feel and the state of our relationship. Yet, the nerves creep in nonetheless.

I had intended to discuss it over dinner tonight, but I can't hold back any longer. The sight of Coco's constant presence and her hands all over Lando is just too much to bear.

I continue the walk to his room, climbing the stairs and scanning the surroundings for his door.

"Baby!" I call out as I approach the door. Once I'm standing in front of it, I take a deep breath and open it slowly.

As soon as it's opened, I glance around for a second, but my heart drops to the floor, and it feels like my breathing has stopped.

I stare straight at Coco, who's lips are on Lando's. What's going on...

As I stand there, stunned, Lando pushes Coco away, his face flushing with concern as he meets my gaze.

"Fucking hell, Stella, it wasn't anything like you're thinking. She just..." Lando starts, his voice trembling, but I cut him off.

"Don't, please," I interject, tears beginning to form. My throat tightens as I struggle to hold back my emotions.

I close my eyes for a moment, allowing a single tear to escape, before reopening them.

"I knew it. I knew it all along!" I declare, my voice trembling with anger and hurt.

"You fucking bitch!" I shout, storming out of the room and slamming the door shut behind me.

As the door swings open, Lando steps out, a concerned expression on his face. I avoid his gaze, feeling a mix of sadness and anger swirling inside me.

I believed in him, trusted him. And to discover this betrayal cuts deeper than I could have imagined. The ache in my chest feels like someone just stabbed me.

Despite his attempts to speak, I turn away, unable to find the words to express what the fuck I'm feeling. It's a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, and I'm struggling to keep them all in check.

"Baby, please, just listen!" Lando's voice breaks through my thoughts, pleading for my attention.

I halt abruptly and turn to face him, my voice laced with anger. "I am not your baby! Because I'm pretty damn sure I just saw you kissing her, Lando! Kissing another woman right in front of me! So just leave me alone!" My finger jabs accusingly in his direction.

He continues to trail behind me as I quicken my steps toward the Ferrari hospitality, frustration fueling my stride.

"Stella! Please listen to me for God's sake! Please, I didn't kiss her!" His voice echoes through the paddock, drawing attention from all around.

"Then what was it then if you didn't kiss her, huh!?" I retort sharply. "She kissed me!" His exclamation is met with disbelief as I halt in my tracks.


"Stella, just listen!!" Lando's grip tightens on my wrist, pulling me closer to his chest, but I wrench myself away. "I said leave me the fuck alone, Lando!" My scream reverberates through the air as I stumble backward, only to collide with someone.

As I turn around to see who it was, I'm met with Aaron's concerned gaze. "Stella, oh my gosh, are you okay?" His words trigger a flood of emotions, and I can no longer hold back the tears. I break down in front of both Lando and Aaron.

I look at Lando, then back to Aaron, before leaning up and pressing my lips against Aaron's. The moment is brief, but before it can fully register, I'm pulled away by Lando.

"What the fuck, Stella!" Lando yells, gripping my shoulders. "Let go of me, you don't have the right to pull me away from anyone anymore. I can do whatever the fuck I want. You can't control me anymore," I scream as I push him away and turn to Aaron, but Lando doesn't give up.

"Stella, please! I love you!" With tears streaming down my cheeks, I halt, meeting Lando's desperate gaze as he throws his hands in the air.

"Don't," I choke out, shaking my head. "Don't use that against me after you've shattered our relationship. Don't you dare say you love me when I caught you kissing someone else." My voice rises with each word, anger and hurt mingling. Moving closer, I push him away once more. "I thought I could trust you..." My voice trails off into a broken whisper, tears threatening to overwhelm me.

With one final push, I break away and sprint into the Ferrari hospitality.

Lando doesn't follow, but Aaron does.

"Stella!" He calls after me, but I ignore him, heading straight for Charles, who's still sitting with Carlos.

As soon as Charles sees me, I don't give him a chance to speak. I run up to him and wrap my arms around him, letting the tears flow freely.

"Stella?" he says softly, his hand gently stroking my back as I soak his shirt with my tears.

"Fuck, Charlie," I whisper brokenly. "He betrayed me..."

It hurts even more to realize that I was falling for him, falling for a lie.

I'm such an idiot.


A.N- please forgive me🙏
Also I suck at writing things like this so I tried my best😚

Love y'all!

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