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"Are you fucking crazy, Stella?" Charles yells at me. I've told him about me 'dating' Lando. As much as I don't want to do it, I'll get some benefits from it, and it's all just a stupid stunt. It won't last long.

I'm just worried. It feels like I've stepped into one of those novels where they eventually fall in love. But, I'm sure it won't happen. Dealing with Lando's inflated ego is too much for me.

"It all happened to quickly," I shrug, my gaze dropping to the floor. I walked into his room why he was already packing. It seemed like the best moment to bring it up, especially since I won't be traveling with him anyway.

"Gosh, Stella, Father wouldn't be proud of you. You're dating a horrible person," Charles remarks, and I feel my eyes welling up at the mention of Father. "Don't you dare bring Father into this, Charles," I shake my head.

"I can't believe you. You're not coming on the plane with me. Go ask Lando for help. You've already ruined my day by not showing up at the podium, and now this. What else are you going to say? I'm also talking to Liam again?" he zips up his suitcase, and I feel a tear trickling down my face. Why is he being so harsh?

"Stop, Charles. Don't talk about Liam," I mumble, now fidgeting with my rings. He's making me stressed.

"I'm leaving now. You've got to think about your relationship, okay? And once you do, tell me if you really think Lando is the one who deserves you," he wheels out, leaving me alone. I understand he's being protective because of my last relationship, but he's being too harsh.


I had set my phone to silent for the rest of the night. Charles' words had inflicted too much pain, and I wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone else's bullshit.

And now i was being abruptly awakened by a loud knock on my door. Can't people be a little quieter?

Groaning, I rolled out of bed and rubbed my eyes. I'm too tired for this right now.

"What the hell do you wa—?" My sentence was cut short when I saw who was standing outside my door.

"Why the fuck haven't you given me your number yet? I've been literally calling you on Instagram, hoping you'll answer, but no," Lando screams at me, and I just want to slap him.

"We've just started this whole thing and you're already fucking yelling." I roll my eyes and walk over to the couch leaving the door open for Lando to come in. He does.

"I don't care, we have a flight to catch with my team, I need you to be ready." He argues and I already wish I didn't agree on this.

"I just had a rough night okay! I'll give you my number I'll get dress and we can leave." I walk over and steal his already opened phone and type my number in, then I push him outside my door and close it on him.

Jeez I wished I just let him read through my diary, he's such an ass.


"Hold my hand, Stella," Lando softly whispers, as we're on the verge of boarding the plane. I'm hoping there will be a passenger to engage in a conversation with, aside from the man seated next to me.

"Is it really that—" i don't get to finish before Lando grips my hand, intertwining our fingers. I feel a small tingle at the sensation, but I brush it off.

Entering the plane, all eyes are on me. As I pass some team staff, I hear whispers and a few loud enough comments reach my ears.

A girl with blonde hair exclaims, "What the fuck, Abby? Who is she?" It's clear she has a thing for Lando.

He guides me to the back of the plane, where it's more private, and I notice the presence of some well-known individuals.

As I'm about to take my seat, someone knocks into me, nearly causing me to stumble.

"Oh! I'm so sorry," says a guy with an American accent. I look up to see none other than Zak Brown.

"It's fine!" I smile, attempting to brush off the fact that I'm casually talking to Zak right now.

"Oh! I've never seen you before? Who—" He raises an eyebrow, then looks beside me to see Lando.

"She's my... my girlfriend," Lando says, and it feels strange to be called that, knowing it's not true. I can't help but regret this deal, but at least it'll be a memorable story to tell my kids one day.

"Holy crap, Lando! Girlfriend? I thought you only did one-night stands," a guy with an Australian accent cuts in, and I feel my cheeks turn red, that's a great way to find out he's a real dick.

"Really, Oscar? Right in front of her," Lando exclaims, throwing his hands up. I glance to see Oscar standing over Zak's shoulder. "Not my fault!" he defends himself.

"Sorry," Lando whispers in my ear as he pulls me down to a seat next to him.

"Oh no, it's okay. I already knew you were one of those guys," I chuckle, then pull out my phone and pop in an AirPod.

If I'm going to enjoy this flight, it's going to be with music.

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