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Landos pov

For ten days straight, I've been without Stella by my side, not a single word from her. Even Charles and Carlos are concerned, but she hasn't responded to any texts. I must've really messed things up if she won't even talk to her own brother.

It's all on me—I should've fought harder for her, not let her walk away from the paddock, not let her leave me and walk straight into the Ferrari hospitality.

Now I'm sitting in a bar in fucking Monaco with four empty glasses in front of me.

I've never resorted to alcohol before, not like this. But right now, it feels like the only way to dull the ache and confusion.

I mean, finishing p15 in Belgium? That's not me. That's not how I race. Stella has completely messed with my head.

I really need to head home now since I have a flight to catch for the Netherlands tomorrow.

After finishing the glass, I slide them toward the bartender, who gives me a sympathetic look.

"What happened with you?" the girl asks as she collects my glasses. I look up at her and shake my head. "Shit happened," I shrug, and she smirks, chuckling softly.

"Wait, can I actually get one more?" I ask, gesturing with my finger as I offer her my card, but she pushes it away.

"It's on me," she smiles before preparing my drink and handing it to me. "You're Lando, right?" she says, leaning casually against the bar, resting her head on her knuckles.

"Indeed, and your? Ginger girl." I chuckle, teasingly grabbing a strand of her hair and inspecting it.

"Yes, ginger indeed," she nods, giggling as I release her hair.

I take a final sip of my drink before pushing it away and getting off the stool. "Farewell, Ginge! Oh my gosh! I have a friend I call Ginge, what a coincidence!" I start laughing hysterically.

"Okay buddy, I think it's time for you to get some rest," she giggles, tapping my shoulder and waving goodbye.

I finally end up leaving and returning home.

I enter the living room and immediately notice the gift sitting on the coffee table.

As I approach the coffee table, I see my drawing book placed next to a note. I remember writing that note just before the race in Belgium, intending to give it to her there. But since she didn't show up, I brought it back with me to Monaco.

Fuck, I'm going to regret this.

Clutching my notebook and the note, I find myself standing in front of Stella's apartment without even realizing how I got there.

I've passed by here countless times, but I've never stepped inside. This path has been part of my daily routine since I moved to Monaco, except for the times I've been away. Funny how everything seems interconnected.

I find myself stumbling up the stairs to her door. Once I arrive, I pause for a moment, my gaze drifting from the floor to the little slit in the door for mail.

After a moment of hesitation, I slide the notebook and the note into the slit. I hear a soft thump as they hit the floor on the other side of the door.

I linger at the door, my gaze fixed on the floor, my fist clenched as if I want to knock but lack the courage to do so.

I lean my head against the door, closing my eyes as a whisper escapes my lips, "Fuck, I miss you, angel."

With a heavy heart, I retreat down the stairs, leaving behind the notebook and the note, my silent plea for her to understand.

I hope she sees it.


A.N- I might cry writing nexts chapter

Love yall

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