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I intertwine my fingers with Lando's as we exit the airplane, with the McLaren team in tow.

We made it to China, no more Monaco and relax days, it's back to the racing grind.

I will admit, It was nice to be back home, to feel free again, and take a break from all the traveling, just relaxing with my brother, and it was even fun to be with Lando.

"Hilton hotel, here we go!" Zak says happily as we hop into a black SUV.

Taking my seat beside Lando, I notice he's already drawing in his notebook, he never stops.

Glancing at Zak and Oscar engrossed in conversation, with nothing else to do, I pull out my laptop and start writing chapters for my book I'm officially now publishing a book.

I haven't told anyone yet, I don't want attention and I don't want people to ask if they can read it, so I've kept it a secret.

But I can't wait to realise it, I've been waiting months to be able to publish a story but I've been to nervous that it won't go well, but with Lando now as my fake boyfriend, I'm hoping the attention I'm growing from it will help.

"Stel." Lando mumbled quietly and I looked up at him and nodded.

"McLaren booked are room for us." He says softly and I can already see where this is going. "One bed? Right?" He immediately nods and I squeeze the bridge of my nose shaking mg head.

"I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure."

"It's fine, there would be a couch in there or something." I smile and he nods returning back to his drawing and me back to my book.


"Okay, seriously, who in their right mind would design a couch like this!" I yell out, pointing to the tiniest, most uncomfortable couch I've ever laid my ass on.

"It's fine, I'll just book a separate room," I shrug as I grab my suitcase to wheel it towards the door. However, my movement is halted by Lando's gentle yet firm grip around my waist, pulling me back.

"Stella, you're overreacting," he says calmly, looking down at me. I furrow my brows, about to respond, but he covers my mouth with his hand, silencing me.

"Just sleep in the bed like a normal person, okay? I'll put up a barrier if you're still unsure," he suggests, raising a brow before letting go of me.

The thing is, I'm fine with sharing a bed with him. But I just don't really want to because, what if I have a nightmare? Of course, Charles won't be there, it will be Lando...

I take a deep breath and nod slowly before pulling the suitcase into the only bedroom in this room.

"Do you want to do anything tonight, or just relax?" Lando mumbles as he also drops off his suitcase in the bedroom.

"You have anything in mind?" I raise a brow, and he immediately smiles.

I had no clue what he had in mind, especially since it was only the afternoon and the sky was turning dark, but I was going to trust him.


"Lando, it's almost dark. Where could we be going?" I chuckle, feeling curious. He made me change into some nice, comfortable clothes, so now I'm wearing a black hoodie and some cargo pants.

"We're about to be here," he mumbles, smiling at me. For a second, our eyes lock, and my heart starts to beat faster.

I immediately look away and stare out the window as we drive through china.

Soon enough, I see bright lights, vibrant colors, and hear laughter from people. I look down and see stalls everywhere, with people enjoying food with their loved ones, my heart warms at the sight.

"It's a night market, angel." Lando says softly.

I can't help it, my heart is racing. I look over at Lando, and we're both smiling at each other, sharing a moment of silence before I speak again.

"You took me to a night market!" I say happily, and he nods. "I normally go by myself when I come to China, but tonight is different. I have you," he says, opening his door and then walking around to open mine.

I put my hand in his, and once I'm out of the car, I'm shocked. This place really is beautiful.

"This is the one place I don't need to hide who I am. I can be free," he says softly as we admire the view in front of us.

Children run around holding toys, there are small fireworks going off, and groups of friends are laughing.

I've never seen something so amazing in my life.

"Lan, this is beautiful," I look up at him, and our eyes lock. "Thank you," I murmur quietly.

Before I knew it, my hand is locked with his, and we're walking towards the market where everyone is dancing and having fun.

"Here, this place has the best rice," he says with a smile on his face, leading me towards a food stall.

Immediately, the person at the stall recognizes him. "Is that Lando?" the old woman says happily. "Hi Chen, I haven't seen you since forever!" Lando greets her warmly, showing that they know each other well. It really proves that he does come here a lot.

"It's great to see you! And look at this lovely lady right here!" She smiles at me, and I smile back. "I'm Stella, nice to meet you, Chen," I say politely. She nods at me, still smiling.

"What can I get you both!"

"We will have two bowls of the fried rice!" Lando chuckles, pulling out some cash to pay and handing it to her.

I watch as Lando continues his chat with Chen as she makes our food, and my heart warms.

Something in my stomach is fluttering, and I'm not sure why, but I'm liking it.

A.N- sorry I haven't updated for a little bit but for this update I tried to write a little longer so I hope you liked it!

I really enjoyed writing this one and Lando is so cute in it!! And I hope yall already know what's gonna happen when they share a bed🤭

Also I'm going to the aus gp so I'm so excited!!!!

Love yall

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