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Back to reality

As we stroll through the paddock together on race day, I lean my head on Lando's shoulder. It's been a few days since that moment we shared, the one I wish I could erase from my mind but find myself unable to forget.

But to add to the misery of this day, it just had to be my birthday today. I'm 23 now, and aside from Charles, no one else has a clue.

I'd like to keep it that way. I don't enjoy birthdays anymore I absolutely hate them. I hate the presents, I hate eating cake everything about them just feels horrible to me.

As Lando and I step into the McLaren hospitality, Lily greets us with a warm smile. It's a relief knowing I won't be alone during the race.

"Hi Lily," I greet her, returning her hug. Suddenly, she whispers in my ear, "Happy birthday." I pull back, my eyes widening in surprise. What?

"How do you—?" I start, but she interrupts me with a giggle.

"Charles came to visit with a present, but you, of course, weren't here, so he ended up telling me it's your bi—"

I quickly cover her mouth before she says "birthday." I don't want Lando to hear. Today is his special day it's a race day, and I don't want him to worry about me.

"I'd rather not have him know," I gesture discreetly towards Lando, who's in conversation with Oscar. She arches a brow.


"I guess birthdays just aren't my thing," I explain with a shrug, squeezing her hand gently before taking a seat.


Lando comes up to me, enveloping me in a tight hug. He secured P2, while Max clinched P1, edging closer to snatching the championship from Lando, his first-ever championship title.

"You did amazing, baby. You gave it your all," I smile at him as the cameras focus on us. Then, I gently cup his cheeks and plant a kiss on his lips.

"I could've done better," he says with a frown. "Don't worry, you'll do great, okay?" I reassure him, and a small smile graces his lips. "Only if you're by my side," he says softly, pecking my lips one last time before he heads to the podium.

Once the podium ceremony is over, everyone returns to their duties, conducting interviews and attending to their responsibilities. I head back to the hospitality area.

As I sit there, engrossed in my writing, I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder. I look up to see Charles, holding a small, wrapped gift in his hand.

"Are you done with your interviews?" I inquire, trying to mask my surprise at his unexpected appearance. Charles simply nods and extends the gift towards me.

"Happy birthday, Stella," Charles says with a smile, and I bite the inside of my cheeks as I stare down at the gift.

"Who's birthday?" Someone asks behind me, and I snap my head to see Lando. Great...

"No one's," I say, pushing the gift aside and staring at Charles, who's brows are furrowed. "It's actually Stella's," he says with a firm voice, pushing the gift back towards me.

"Stella? It's your birthday and you didn't tell me!?" Lando exclaims, sitting down, and I honestly feel so bad.

"I just..." I start. "I'm not the biggest fan of birthdays." I shrug as I peer back down at the gift and start opening it slowly.

Once it's opened, I see multiple gifts, a new book, a pen with my name engraved on it, and a Kindle. I smile widely as I look up at Charles.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't get you much, so I hope that's good," Charles says, as he watches my reaction. I tilt my head in awe. "It's perfect, Charlie," I say softly, a genuine smile spreading across my face.

"I'm glad you like it," he replies, a hint of relief in his voice.

We both glance over at Lando, who's remained silent throughout the exchange. I know he didn't get me anything, but it doesn't bother me. The best gift he could give me is his presence, and I'm grateful for that.

"I'll see you later, baby. Come to the hotel room soon, okay?" Lando says, rising from his chair to plant a kiss on my forehead.

As he walks away, I can't help but wonder what he's planning.


A.N- This will be the last update for the rest of the week! I'm just really busy and I'll probably update on Monday or Tuesday my time!

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