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Snuggled up in a cozy nap— that I was enjoying peacefully. Charles yanked the curtains, letting the sun blind me. I groaned at the bright light that was burning my sight.

Rubbing my eyes, I tried to ignore him, by squinting my eyes shut, and squeezing the pillow to my ears to muffle out the sounds. but he kept going on, "Stella, wake up." I shook my head and turned away, burying my face in the pillow to dodge his nudges.

Charles didn't give up. He kept at it until he dropped the bomb that could wake me in an instant, "I'll make coffee." That did it.

Despite his cooking skills being a disaster and even if he tried, his coffee was so good. I shot up, ready to face the day, all thanks to the one thing, a dam cup of coffee.

Charles, in his usual playful manner, remarked, "Well, that was easy, but remember, silly, we're not home." A furrow creased my brows as I realized he might not even have the necessary ingredients here.

"You ruined my mood, Charlie," I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest, I really wanted that coffee.

"It's fine; we're going to
get lunch any—" Charles's words were cut short as I barged in, exclaiming, "What do you mean lunch!?" Had I seriously missed breakfast?

Peering at his fancy gold watch, Charles nodded casually. "Well, it's currently two pm, so come on. We're getting lunch." He chuckled, seemingly amused by my unexpected slumber.

I couldn't believe I had slept that long, but the comfortable bed partially justified it. That gosh darn bed feels like a cloud.

Eager to shake off the sleepy feeling, I danced my way to the shower.

Shedding my clothes, I slid under the warm water, letting it soothe my healing bruises. The shampoo and conditioner worked their magic on my hair before I turned off the shower and wrapped myself in a towel.

Rummaging through my suitcase, I retrieved a beautiful short white summer dress. Admiring it, I slipped into the dress and examined myself in the mirror.

Satisfied with the outfit, I approached the bathroom again and began styling my brunette hair into beach waves, ready to face the day with newfound energy, that I suddenly had. But I just needed my coffee so maybe that was it.

"Stella, are you ready?" Charles complained as I swiftly snatched my baby blue handbag, effortlessly swinging it over my shoulder.

A voice, foreign to my ears, chimed in, "why do women take forever. Right?" expressing impatience.

I thought to myself, how can someone complain when I'm just a girl! I need to take my time.

Emerging from my room, my journey to the door unveiled a new person.

A beautiful looking male with black, lustrous hair and a genuinely charming smile.

"Charlie! I didn't know we had guests?" I exclaimed, casting an appreciative glance over to the stranger.

Charles, with a knowing grin, clarified the situation. "I promised Carlos I would bring him to meet you," he explained, gesturing towards the presence of Carlos, a name that rang faintly familiar, I've definitely heard Charles talk about a Carlos before.

Despite my unwavering dedication to watching every race whenever I have the opportunity, the memories of drivers' names and faces often vanished from my memory, leaving me with only Charles and Max.

"Surprised I'm that special." I chuckled, extending a hand toward Carlos. His response, uttered with a Spanish accent, "Afternoon mi amor," he winked, pulling away with an unapologetically flirtatious personality, which made me giggle.

Amidst the playful banter, Charles cheekily nudged Carlos, "That's my sister man." The room was then shared laughter.

I never really trusted men after my break up with Liam. Yet, observing Carlos, I felt to trust him,


Once we all got to the little restaurant, I settled comfortably positioned in front of Carlos with Charles seated beside him.

As we patiently waited for the waiter to come over Carlos started to speak.

"So, are you excited for the party?" He spoke and I nodded enthusiastically.

"Lando is going to be going wild, he will wake up on the floor the next day." Charles joked and both of them cracked out laughter. Meanwhile I had no idea what they were talking about.

"Who's Lando?" I questioned as I flipped through the menu, that was rested in front of me.

Carlos grinned, like he couldn't wait to talk about the guy. "A party animal, and are best friend." Carlos added and I giggled, I've never heard Charles talk about a Lando, but I'm interested.

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