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TW: Child Loss

Sara's POV

I watched her frail body on top of the pale blue sheets as her chest rose up and down hollowly- the heart monitor still danced thankfully, but I knew that it was only a matter of time. Her mother Lois had bought her a new wig just weeks ago- it was blonde styled into 2 little plaits that hung over her shoulders; she never took it off. 

I watched as Lois gently caressed the palm of her hand with teary eyes- she'd been humming the melody to 'You are my Sunshine' for an hour now- it was their song after all. 

"Is she in pain?", with a strained voice, she glanced my way hopefully as I nodded 'no'. Angel had been my patient for the past year- In fact, she was my first solo patient. I sat with her through her very first chemo appointment as she was explaining to me who the characters in My little Pony were; it was always heart breaking to see someone deteriorate, especially a 7 year-old who was suppose to have her whole life ahead of her. 

Checking over her chart, her bio-markers were through the roof.

"How long, Dr Dagher?", she sniffled uneasily not taking her eyes off of her little girl. Placing my hand on her shoulder gently, I sighed,

"Any moment now Miss Perez- I'm going to give you some time a lone. Please page me if you need anything at all", nodding her head slightly, my back collapsed against the wall just outside. Losing a patient never gets easier.

"You can go now baby, mommy loves you so so much. Let go", I heard her whisper which made my heart clench. Pushing off of the wall, I crossed my arms over my chest glancing at the ground with each step I took.

"Your shift ended an hour ago, everything okay?", Dr Bromwich asked skipping to catch up with me as I headed back to reception,

"Angel Perez", I sighed as she nodded in recognition,

"The DNR? (Do not resuscitate) ", nodding in response she sighed,

"How is she doing?", I nibbled my bottom lip anxiously, 

"She won't make it through the night", pushing open the doors I pressed open my locker,

"I'm sorry Sara, I know how much she means to you", sending her a small smile, I slipped my feet out of the surgical crocs,

"On a better note, how was the wedding? Oh, and George moved a few weeks ago didn't he?", pulling a jumper over my head I sighed,

"The wedding was beautiful! It was nice to see everyone again that's for sure- and George... well, he's okay. Loving the new job! I went to see him a couple of weeks ago and the apartment is nice. I'm just not sure it's going to work out, he's cancelled on me twice now", it was true. I understood that he was busy with work, but long distance requires effort from both parties- I was busy too. 

"Hmmm, keep your eye on that one.", she mumbled before the screeching of her pager echoed through the locker room. After hurriedly saying good bye, I stuck my head into Angels room where Lois had her head rested on her stomach with tears streaming down her face. 

Glancing at the heart monitor, the green line remained flat as a high-pitched beep continuously blasted through the room. 

Slowly stepping into the room and muting the monitor, her bellows became more heart-breaking. 

"Miss Perez, I'm so sorry", I had to stay professional, over-crossing boundaries is easily done when working in medicine. But that didn't prevent the pain I was feeling.

Lifting her head from Angel, she threw herself into my arms and sobbed into the navy jumper I wore. 

I don't know how long we were there for, but it felt necessary. 

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