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Minor Sexual Content Warning😉

Jacob's POV

All standing around a pool table, I watched James pot a red stripe before Stephen threw his head back in frustration,

"What did I tell you? He's freakishly good at pool", Matthew mumbled crossing his arms over his chest as I perched on a bar stool sipping some of my drink, 

"You should see Jacob play, he's way better than me", James scoffed gesturing towards me,

"I'll play the winner", I announced as the boys all clapped. I missed our evenings like this, it was nice to just hang out it being only something that happened a few times a year now, and to be celebrating James' engagement made it all the more special. He seemed so excited about his wedding day- and as he should be. We'd all agreed to be groomsmen too, which I was fucking ecstatic about. It's an honour to be asked for such a role. 

"So what's the guest list looking like?", Matthew asked curiously leaning against the wall as Stephen took his shot, 

"We've already finalised our list. It's mainly family to be honest, but we both have quite a few friends from work coming and obviously Eva's bridesmaid's are the girls from school", James shrugged chalking the end of his pool stick,

"As in Sara, Emily and Andrea?", Stephen followed missing a shot and stepping back. Sara Dagher. I remembered the night of the party- the night where everything went fucking wrong. We hadn't spoken since, and although I thought about her a lot in the beginning I'd blocked that memory out of my system years ago.

"How is Sara doing by the way? She's a doctor isn't she?", Matthew asked curiously as James nodded,

"Yeah she's smashing it mate, Already in her 3rd year of residency in Langone for Paeds. She's dating some hot shot gynaecologist over there", James explained. I wasn't surprised in the slightest that she was doing well, Sara was one of the most intelligent people I'd ever met- and to have graduated med school a year early, that's fucking impressive. I'd done well in my field, but I was still in my 2nd year of residency. Matthew was the same as me, and Stephen was in his 1st year as he transferred to medicine over from biochemistry.

"Didn't you two have a thing?", Stephen asked raising an eyebrow as James cleared his throat,

"Yeah we don't mention that", he hissed as I shrugged my shoulders,

"Why? What even happened?", Matthew pried standing next to me and clinging to his drink,

"It was a long time ago- can't even remember to be honest", I was lying through my teeth. I remember everything- from the pictures of her wrapped in another fuckers arms to the look on her face as I gave her a taste of her own medicine. 

"Oh by the way, you're all staying at the Hilton after the reception with your plus ones", James added flexing his fingers,

"I don't have a plus one", I admitted, knowing the Matthew and Stephen were both in long term relationships with people from their university courses,

"That's alright, not everyone is bringing one. I know Sara isn't", James announced angling his pool stick for his next shot. Why wasn't she bringing her partner?

"Why is she coming a lone?", Matthew queried raising an eyebrow, 

"He's out of state apparently for work. I'm Kind of glad though, he's a bit of a dick", he mumbled potting another ball, 

"You've met him?", I didn't mean to ask, the words just left my mouth before I could stop them.

"Yeah, a couple of times. He's a very talented surgeon, but fuck does he know it. He's the type that looks down his nose at you when he finds out you're a resident- Eva isn't keen on the way he treats Sara either, she's heard some of their fights before. Apparently, this one time he got drunk at a work christmas party and shouted at her for buying him a drink with normal coke in it instead of diet coke. It's weird man", he continued rolling his eyes. I didn't like Sara, and I hated what she did to me- but it sounds like a crap relationship. 

"I've been talking to Maddy again", taking the pool cue from Stephen, Matthew groaned,

"Why?", Stephen asked chuckling to himself,

"She's matured a lot, and I enjoy being with her. I'm seeing her tomorrow for dinner, depending on how things go can I bring her as my plus one?", James sucked in clinging to his cue,

"I don't know man- I'm cool with it, but remember how shitty she was at school to the girls. I'll ask Eva", breaking the cluster of balls in the centre of the table, I nodded. 

We spent the rest of the night talking about our families, our residencies and the wedding- it was weird heading back to my family home rather than the small apartment in the city. After having a shower, I tucked myself into bed allowing myself to slip into a deep sleep- it was late after all. 


"Did you miss me?", her seductive voice whispered into my ear as she straddled my lap in the morning light of the room as my eyes fluttered open. Instinctively, my hands held onto her small waist as she attacked my neck with her mouth massaging from underneath my ear-lobe to the crook, where she hovered and bit down slightly. 

She knew my body too well as she ground onto the swell of my crotch which hardened with every minuscule movement she made against me. Flipping positions, I hovered over her naked body pinning her to the sheets via my hand around her neck. Those blue eyes I hadn't seen for so long were siren-like, causing me to succumb to her desperate plea,

"Fuck me, Jacob", she nibbled her bottom lip and begged me with her eyes, looping her ankles around my back to pull me in closer. My cock was so close to her opening, lightly swiping across her soaking wet folds as she angled her hips expertly. I couldn't wait any longer, I couldn't resist- thrusting my hips forward she let out a cry, burying her hands in my hair,

"Oh fuck Sara", I seethed, forgetting how much like heaven she felt when I was inside of her. Her walls knew how to welcome me home in the most unholy way, throbbing against my tip greedily,

"This is so wrong", I hissed withdrawing from her just to pummel back in causing her breasts to bounce at the impact,

"Don't worry baby, it's just a dream", she whimpered.


My eyes shot open and my torso snapped forwards from the bed sheets. Feeling on my right and left side, sure enough the bed was empty- cold and crisp at the absence of another body in the pitch-black room. Shifting in my spot uncomfortably, a familiar throb erupted from my groin- shit, I was rock solid. 

As much as I hated to admit it, no other girl had come even close to matching Sara's performance in the bedroom- they didn't look as perfect as she did when I pushed myself inside her; they didn't make the sounds that drove me crazy; their bodies didn't fit against mine the same way; they didn't cause paralysing orgasms or mouth watering sensations as they bounced on my cock. It was a void I had never been able to fill. 

One thing is for certain, if she attends this wedding a lone looking as hot as I expected- it's going to be impossible staying away from her.



Oi Oi;) So, do we think Maddy will come as Jacob's plus one? And will Sara and George be together?

Oh, and will the truth finally out all about those photo's Maddy showed Jacob?

All will be revealed🔮

See you soon Darlings😘

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