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Mild Sexual Content Warning😉

Jacob's POV

I was definitely speeding in an attempt to get back home before Sara arrived. I'd made sure the house was tidy this morning, but I needed a shower after gym class. 

Slipping into my grey sweatpants and white t-shirt, I popped in my contact lenses after my temples ached having my glasses on all day. Carrying my books downstairs, I made sure my laptop was ready with 'powerpoint' fired up and that there was a surplus of pens and paper.

I knew that Melissa wouldn't be home until late, and my parents were out of town seeing my dads mum- so we were home a lone.


Taking a deep breath, I opened the door to Sara stood on the doorstep. She was wearing a Pastel green plaited skirt and a little white crop top to match- Her usual knee-high socks framed her legs as her dark hair was pin straight kept behind her shoulders. Crossing her arms she tapped her foot,

"Can I come in or are we just going to stand here all evening?", she snapped readjusting her bag straps. I motioned for her to come in as she looked around the open space,

"You have a nice house", she complimented glancing at the kitchen. It was a nice house, my parents were architects and so made sure it was always pristine.

"Ah, well I'm sure you've seen nicer", I replied coldly, hearing of her wealth from so many at school.

"So if we work on the dining table I've gotten everything ready", I suggested pulling out two seats,

"Okay", she nodded placing her bag down gently and retrieving her books.

We didn't say much- the only words that came out of our mouths were related to chemistry. I knew that she was a clever girl, but I was shocked at how well our idea's meshed. 

She was scribbling down some more notes as I tapped away on my laptop beginning to design the powerpoint- creativity and artistic tendencies were not my strong point but I was pretty proud of myself.

"How's it looking?', she asked glancing up from her notepad. Spinning the laptop around proudly, I pushed it in front of her eagerly,

"What the fuck is that?", she scoffed looking between me and my polkadot design,

"Huh?", I responded confusedly,

"You do know this is a presentation? We get marked on HOW it's presented, not just the shitting content", she was motioning towards the screen with a disgusted look on her face,

"Well yeah obviously, that's why I've made it look pretty", I stood up heading to get a glass of water. She sucked in a breath,

"In what world is that fucking pretty, Jacob? It looks like Ronald McDonald has just shit all over it", she cried zooming into the document further,

"You're so fucking dramatic it looks fine", I reasoned taking a sip,

"Oh, perfect! Fine will get us top marks, Fine will get me into the college I want! No, absolutely not. We're starting again, this time I'M designing it", she shook her head throwing her hands in the air,

"Don't you fucking dare it's taken me 45 minutes to do that", I pointed my finger stalking towards the table, starting to get frustrated at her outburst.

"Do I look like I give a fuck? There is no way I'm handing this in", her face was flustered as she rose from the table placing the laptop on the side before walking towards me,

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