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Sara's POV

"You are joking! Jacob Barston?", Emily gasped, eyes wide and hands slapped to her thighs,

"I mean, it makes sense now you mention it", Andrea chuckled taking a bite of her cookie, 

"Yeah... I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys before, I just didn't know what was going on well enough to talk about it", I pursed my lips clinging onto my Capuccino as Eva hummed,

"So are you guys together?", Andrea queried raising an eyebrow as I shook my head,

"No, It's weird. We're basically everything without the label- I like him a lot, I trust him, the sex is immaculate", I went on as Emily clapped her hands together,

"Will you add the label?", she asked curiously sipping her Frapuccino, 

"I don't know. I mean we're both going to college soon that are god knows how far apart- I'm happy with how we are now and we'll just see what happens", shrugging they all nodded in acknowledgement,

"Are you both seeing other people?", Andrea furrowed her brows placing her cookie in a napkin. Shit, she made a good point- what if he was fucking other girls?

"Well I'm not, and if I saw him with another girl i'd be gutted", I confessed,

"You might want to talk to him about that then Sar, I don't want you getting hurt", Eva sighed placing a hand on my shoulder,

"You're probably right", pursing my lips I watched the rain drops pat against the window we were sat next to. If he had been seeing other girls it would ruin me, I don't think he is at least, but we definitely needed to have the conversation.

"So, our graduation party tomorrow night! Who's excited?", Emily grinned,

"We had the ceremony ages ago, I don't get why the year waited this long to have a party. But yes, I'm very excited", Andrea tilted her head smirking at us all,

"I know right- but still, a party's a party and everyone will be there!", Eva sighed biting a fork full of cheesecake,

"Wait, Sara what if Maddy is there? In fact, she WILL be there", Emily paused twiddling her thumbs. Fuck, I forgot about her.

"I don't really care, I'm not giving her the time of day", falling back into the sofa they all nodded,

"Good for you, just be careful- We don't want any fights", Andrea tutted squeezing my hand from across the table. I wonder if she'd catch on? And if she did what she'd do? Whatever.

Heading back home, I popped in my headphones mouthing the words to 'Happier than Ever' by Billie Eillish- sometimes, I like to do this thing where I Imagine I'm in a music video. Hey, don't laugh- I know you do it too.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I felt my body jump as I pulled my headphones off spinning around.

"Sara Dagher", the handsome boy grinned,

"Xavier Luton", I gasped pulling him into a big hug. Xavier Luton- how do I begin to describe him? Charming, Handsome, intelligent, and very gay. I'd met Xavier again last year at a house party- we'd attended the same elementary school and got on like a house on fire, but when his family moved states I never saw him again,

"How have you been? Are you visiting Grandma again?", I asked clinging onto his hands as he beamed at me,

"Not bad at all Sar, I got into Brown to study Physiotherapy! And yes, it's her 80th birthday tomorrow so I thought I'd better make an appearance", he explained as I clapped my hands together,

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