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Jacob's POV

As I watched Sara gesture towards our powerpoint on the board and concentrating on the intelligent words she spoke, all I could think about was her pretty lips wrapped around my cock and the feeling of her tight walls clenched around me. I couldn't stop thinking about Monday, and the pleasure she had given me. 

"Well done you two! That was a well researched, thorough and nicely structured presentation! Can we get a round of applause please?", snapping me out of my trance, Mrs Willis clapped as the class followed whilst Sara unplugged the laptop beaming from ear-to-ear. Finding our seats we slumped into the lab stools,

"We did good", she mumbled closing her textbook,

"I know", I coldly stated watching her rake her hair behind her neck. I didn't mean to be distant- if truth be told I was scared that if I opened my mouth something crude would come out, not to mention how disgusted I was with myself for allowing my encounter with a girl I loathed. 

In addition to that, Maddy and I had definitely been getting closer- we'd message every day and sometimes even call before we went to sleep. I loved her bubbly personality and the way she'd scrunch her nose when I tickled her armpits, she was so easy to be around and made me feel like I could be myself. I started to get excited as our eyes made contact in the hallways and the walks we'd sometimes go on after school- She was absolutely perfect. I was considering introducing her to my parents soon, they'd be thrilled I'd found a nice girl to spend my time with.

"So, any plans for tonight?", she hummed scribbling some notes onto her notepad as another pair presented their assignment,

"What's it to you?", I scoffed focusing on the diagram on the board,

"I was just making conversation, grumpy", she mumbled rolling her eyes,

"I have a date", I admitted as she turned to face me slowly with a large grin on her face,

"Ooo, who's the unlucky girl? Maddy?", wiping some vaseline from the corner of her lips, my jeans tightened around my crotch. I hated the effect she had on me,

"Yep", I popped the 'P',

"Aww that's sweet- what is it? Picnic? Bowling? A Dating a dickhead event?", she slurred sinisterly with a raised brow,

"Oh shut up- at least I have someone unlike your lonely pathetic self", I hissed, but she only smirked at my retaliation,

"Oh Don't get wound up so quickly. Your mood swings are impossible", she giggled nudging me slightly,

"Will Maddy be with you at the bonfire this Friday?", My head fell back as I remembered the event the year had organised in celebration for spring break,

"Will you shut your mouth I'm trying to concentrate- you're so fucking annoying", I felt myself snap- all I wanted to do was put her mouth to better use, and my horniness was getting too difficult to contain. 

"You're no fun", she whined sarcastically pouting her pink glossy lips.

Sara's POV

I loved winding Jacob up- he was too easy to piss off and I needed something to amuse me as we watched the others present. I was furious with myself for allowing our encounter, despite not being able to get it out of my head.

Our sex was raw, angry and fucking perfection. I would find myself thinking about it constantly, pleasuring myself at the hot memory- but that's all it was, a memory, and it would NOT be happening again. Especially since he was being more of a dick than usual today. Part of me thought Maddy was having something to do with it- I'd seen them around school together a lot more this week. They were always laughing and holding hands- I couldn't help but wonder if she made him cum as well as I did- if their sex was as stunning as ours was. 

Shaking away the thought, I continued to focus on the presentation in front of us ignoring the dull throb between my legs. 

"Are you and her official?", I hummed scribbling down a flower on my blank page,

"Not yet- I'm going to introduce her to my parents soon though", he sighed, still not turning to look at me. My chest began to heavy ad my stomach throb- I couldn't be jealous- could I?

"Ahhhh how sweet", I hissed sarcastically,

"Yeah- she's amazing. She's smart, kind, gentle. She's perfect", he gloated cruelly as the final presentation began to come to an end.

'Don't say it', I thought to myself packing my things away and desperately clamping my mouth shut,

"She's the type of girl you take home to mom- unlike you", he scoffed coldly,

"Does she make you cum like I do though?", I whispered, regretting it the moment it came out. Realising there was no such thing as reversing words I decided to own it. Smirking in victory, he glared at me with lips parted- I winked before leaving the classroom.

God I wanted to smack myself. I was going to end up making a complete fool out of myself eventually and this facade going on between us had to stop. 

From now on, He is dead to me.

Heading through the hallway to biology, Tyler stood leaning against his locker as his possie crowded around him. He was laughing a long with one of their jokes as they taunted each other, nudging each others shoulders and passing their phones around.

It's like we never even happened.

His eyes briefly met mine, and they softened before I quickly looked away again. I couldn't ignore the fact that I was grieving him, but It made me realise how thankful I was for it not happening during our SATs.

Hearing my phone ping, I glanced down seeing a message from Maria pop up,

"You have post", was all it said.

My college letters.

I began to feel nervous, my stomach swelling in anticipation. But I knew that one thing was for certain- If I had gotten into Grossman's Medical School, I was going to be the best goddamn paediatric surgeon America had ever seen.


"How are you honey?", Eva asked as they all glanced at me worriedly at our lunch table,

"I'm okay I promise. Obviously I'm hurt, but Tyler isn't the guy I thought he was- plus I have more important things to be thinking about! My college letters have arrived!", I pursed my lips. Emily had already been accepted into NYU, and Rea planned to move in with Luis and work straight away next year- it was just me and Eva waiting.

"You have to let us know how it goes!", Emily chanted rubbing me on the shoulder,

"I will do, I'm so nervous", I confessed giggling nervously,

"Don't be- you have definitely gotten in!", She responded warmly sending a wink my way.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm excited for this bonfire!", Eva cheered clapping her hands together,

"Me too! I was speaking to Ryan's friend who I sit next to in home room and he's definitely going so I can finally get my flirt on", Emily blushed as she spoke about the new boy in her Maths class. He'd recently broken up with his ex-girlfriend, and so her chances were seeming higher than ever,

"Go get your man Em", I chuckled pushing a grape into my mouth.



So Jacob and Maddy are getting closer... what do you think? I'm kind of mad at myself for incorporating her character, but hey it's entertaining right?

If they do get together, Sara is going to have to bite that horny tongue of hers!

Let me know how you're finding it so far!

See you soon Darlings😘

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