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Sexual Content warning😉

Sara's POV

"Honestly girls, his dick is from heaven", Maddy whispered just loud enough so that I could hear. Her and her group of friends often sat on the table next to mine- and I couldn't help but tune in on their sex talk,

"You're so lucky!", Samantha Jones scoffed,

"And he's so gentle with me- he always tells me how beautiful I am", she gloated making my stomach turn.

Jacob gentle in bed? You have to be kidding me!

"So fucking take it"

"You're such a fucking slut"

"Bend over my knee"

"That's it, choke on my cock like the whore you are"

Memories flooded me as I felt my clit throb and my panties begin to dampen.

"What about head?", another girl on their table mumbled curiously,

"His tongue is something else!", 

'isn't it just', I thought to myself biting into my banana,

"I can't believe he's okay with you not being into blowjobs though! What a gentleman", another giggled. Choking on my piece of banana, Eva smacked my back.

"Are you okay honey?", she asked sweetly handing me a tissue so that I could wipe my mouth.

"I'm okay, it went the wrong way", I spluttered messily holding my chest.

She didn't suck his cock?! How the fuck could you not want to suck a dick that perfect? If only she knew how much he adored it.

"There he is!", she cheered as Jacob approached their table kissing Maddy on the forehead. God I wanted to puke.

I felt myself sweat as I glanced at his gym gear- the long sleeved top he wore clung to his bulging biceps and girthy forearms- even a few veins were visible. I could make out each ridge of his abs the top was that tight, and I felt like I was drooling. I could tell he'd just showered from his damp hair and moist skin-

Fuck me I wanted him. I wanted to suck his cock until he couldn't breathe to remind him of how good it feels. My walls tightened at the thought of it and my mouth salivated- I couldn't bear it. Suddenly noticing his eyes glaring right back at mine, my breath caught in my throat. He rolled his tongue a long the bottom of my lip as I bit mine nervously-

I knew it was wrong- it was so so wrong. But they weren't officially together yet, right? 

I was such a shitty person.

"I'll be back", I announced as the girls nodded and continued on with their conversation. Motioning my head towards the door slightly, his brows furrowed in confusion.

If he followed me, Great! If not, oh well. It was probably a very stupid idea anyway. Hearing my heals click on the floor with each slow step I took, I was glad there was no one around- the last thing I needed was any drama.

The silence was so loud, I wished I could here his footsteps behind me- but nothing. Seeing the cleaning supply closet finally come into view, I halted. Turning my face to the side slightly, his figure finally emerged in the corridor heading straight towards me. My stomach fluttered as I began Smirking lightly to make sure he could see- I clicked open the handle and slipped into the darkness. 

It felt like an eternity before the handle slowly lowered and the door opened as he rushed inside. The space was small, small and intimate- I'd forgotten how much taller he was than me.

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