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Sara's POV

My stomach released a familiar ache as the space in between my legs began to throb- his hands on me and the way he was looking at me was turning me into a hot mess. His jaw was still clenched and his eyes glared intimidatingly into mine, I was pinned still clinging onto him so that my legs didn't give way.

"You can't say things like that", I mumbled glancing at the floor,

"Oh Sara, Don't you miss how my tongue feels on you? Do you miss that uncomfortable stretch when I push myself inside of you?", his breath was warm against the crook of my neck and his fingertips tracing my upper back were rough yet insanely erotic. I need to get out of here.

Pushing myself away from him, I made a be-line for the hallway, desperately pushing against different doors which were all locked,

"Sara!", his voice yelled after me causing a panic to erupt inside of my stomach. Finally finding a burgundy door that was un-locked, I ushered myself inside. It seemed to be a supply closet, nevertheless is was spacious and did have a few windows. Catching my breath, the door suddenly swung open as Jacob piled inside,

"What are you doing here? Get out!", I hissed quietly as he glared at me confusedly,

"What happened?", stepping closer to me he crossed his arms,

"'What happened?' The fuck do you mean what happened? You have a girlfriend!", I exclaimed gesturing to the door. Silence.

"Mhm, exactly! Stop fucking around and leave me a lone", I snapped, feeling my chest rising up and down at a rapid rate,

"Calm down! My god woman Since when did you get so pretentious?", he furrowed his brows leaning against the door,

"Good question! Where do I start? Okay, so you fuck me senseless unleashing god knows how many years of sexual tension- 5 minutes later you hate me again. You give me the best orgasm of my life against a shed, outdoors- 5 minutes later you're cosying up with another girl. I suck your cock until you literally forget your own name- 5 minutes later you're slagging me off to the rest of our year-group. You flirt with me continuously giving me these stupid looks that drive me crazy- 5 minutes later you're telling another girl you love her. Y-you look at me as if I'm the only girl in the world- 5 minutes later you're taking another girl to prom. Why on earth would I be pretentious", I chuckled sarcastically throwing my hands in the air,


"I'm not finished! How can you hate me this much to want to torment me so badly. What did I ever do to you? I'm tired of being toyed around with- having a carrot dangled in front of my face for it to just be ripped away right before I take a bite.", interrupting him, I continued with my rant pacing back and forth,

"Yes but Sa-"

"Let me finish! I know exactly what you're going to say- 'you knew what you were getting yourself into; we made it very clear it was just physical; I don't owe you anything *I imitated his voice*', Fine! Yes, I know that! But I can't help how I fucking feel, and I didn't mean for any of this to happen! But do not make things any more difficult for me, because honestly, I despise seeing you with another girl- it makes me feel physically sick. And even more so when you're whispering shit like that into my ear and not letting me move on with my life", I was out of breath now coming to a halt and placing my hands on my waist.

"Are you done?", he sighed leaning against the wall and tilting his head back,

"Yep", I popped the P glaring at the ground,

"I don't understand, are you saying you have feelings for me?", he murmured pushing himself off of the wall and walking towards me slowly,

"I don't know what I'm saying Jacob", I sighed rubbing the bridge of my nose. Pinching my chin between his fingers, he raised it slightly.

"Am I allowed to talk now?", he grunted as I nodded a 'yes'.

"I've spent so long convincing myself that you're nothing but a thorn in my side- and yet, I can't stay away from you. Every time I so much see you with another man I feel like I'm seeing red.  You are the cruel one, Sara, Because even though I am in a relationship I can't help but think about you constantly. You're like a virus that I cannot wash out of my system no matter what I do. Whenever something significant happens during the day, all I want to do is tell you about it. It doesn't matter what you wear, I always find myself thinking about you naked. You are driving me insane, and I don't know what I can do to stop it". It felt like my heart had stopped it was beating that quickly; We were so close together, so synced- I felt my throat wobble as he forced my face upwards with his hand pulling the roots of my hair. He sloppily nudged his face into the crook of my neck, Caressing my skin with his tongue skilfully making waves of pleasure travel to my core.

"Fuck", I whispered shakily, addicted to the euphoria filling my veins. His hands were resting against the door behind me as if he was caging me in- but god I loved it. 

But this was wrong. So wrong.

"If what you're saying is true, then why are you with her?", I hissed quietly pushing his chest so that he took a step back,

"I'm not asking you to break up with Maddy, let's make that abundantly clear. But what I am saying is that I won't let you mess around two girls. I may not like Maddy, but I wouldn't do this to anyone. Figure out what you want, Jacob", pushing passed him I opened the door leaning against a nearby wall in the hallway. Breathing in deeply, I closed my eyes trying to cool my body down and disperse of the red colour in my cheeks. 

I didn't know what to think- that could've been the last time me and Jacob ever spoke. But if it was, I was glad that we'd gotten what we needed to off of our chests. I wasn't going to be that girl, and Eva was right- I should not and never will never beg for a mans attention.



Interesting... it looks like Jacob has some figuring out to do!

Either way I'm so proud of Sara for standing up for herself- Never fuck with someone who has a partner guys😉

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

See you soon Darlings😘

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