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Jacob's POV

I'd waited for this moment for years, anxiety and apprehension riddled my body as my palms sweated and my complexion blushed. I felt as pale as a ghost watching our principal, Mr Sanchez, fiddle through the envelopes in his box. Pausing for a second, he pinched one with his index and middle fingers sliding it out and pushing it towards me.

My parents were waiting in the parking lot a long with everyone elses- god I was nervous.

"Good luck Mr Barston!", he cheered before I stepped to the side where James, Stephen and Matthew waited nervously.

"Are we ready?", James grinned as the others winced shuffling in their spots uncomfortable. Nodding hesitantly, I peeled the opening slowly as did the others, dropping the envelope to the floor and clinging to the white piece of paper.

"1370!", James exclaimed grasping onto his chest,

"1320!", Stephen chuckled pulling him into his chest. Matthew stayed quiet as he glared at his piece of paper- I watched his Adams apple bob,

"1150", he murmured quietly throwing his head back,

"Ah mate- look, don't panic! They might've still taken you", James argued glancing at his piece of paper,

"Nah, they wanted 1200. I'm way off", he chuckled sarcastically crumpling the piece of paper up frustratedly.

"Right, I need to make some calls to see if I can do biochemistry instead- what did you get Jacob?", he murmured curiously. Unfolding the paper slowly, my throat hollowed and a large sigh escaped my throat,

"1480", I announced proudly as the others cheered tapping my shoulder-blades.

"Well done guys", Stephen grinned  as we all chuckled in relief,

"Well done you three- right I've got to go. See you at prom", Matthew tilted his chin before hastily heading to the parking lot.

"Shit", James groaned as we watched his figure disappear,

"He'll be alright- if he can do biochemistry he can just transfer to pre-med next year", Stephen shrugged pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"I'm going to find Maddy, see you in a bit", tapping James' back once more, I span to see Maddy giggling into her envelope as her parents gathered around her. From the corner of my eye, I watched Andrea, Emily, Eva and three of their mothers squealed loudly as Sara threw her hands in the air- I knew she'd smash it.

I couldn't help but notice Sara's parents weren't there- heck, I'd never met them; but the other women all had their arms around their children whereas Sara was a lone.

Catching my eye briefly, she charged towards me,

"Go on", she tutted crossing her arms across her chest,

"You first", holding her piece of paper tightly against her side she tapped her foot,

"Nu-uh, I asked first", 

"1490", grinning from ear to ear I turned my paper around,

"Did I win?", I whispered as she spun her paper around reading '1530'. Meeting her hand with mine and shaking, my chest tightened at our long-awaited contact. Parting her lips, she sighed,

"Well, it's been good nerd", she crossed her arms once-more swaying from side to side,

"Yeah, it has. Thanks for keeping me amused all these years", I winked as she threw a sour look my way,

"Right back at you", I watched her damp her glossy lips slowly- how badly I wanted to kiss her. It felt like the end of an era- no more arguing over stupid exam questions, debating on who had the best conclusion, this was it and I would miss it.

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