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Jacob's POV

Flashed in front of me was the same motherfucker Sara had been seeing behind my back years ago. A montage of the pictures flashed through my mind again as I snapped my gaze to Sara who was already looking at me, 

"I remember you and him being quite close, Sara", her clueless face was pissing me off,

"I mean yes we are- but how do you know?", she scoffed folding her arms across her chest as I chuckled underneath my breath,

"Does your boyfriend know him?", I hissed sinisterly as Matthew and Amber glanced at each other confusedly,

"Yeah he knows him. He comes round for dinner sometimes, why?", her blunt response had a cold tone as she rested her elbows on the table,

"Interesting. Does he know you fucked him? Because if I knew my girlfriend was letting a boy into our house that knew her that well I'd be furious". her eyes went wide. It was petty, I know; But emotions were high and I needed one last dig- after all, we had never spoken about this before. Waiting for a response, my jaw involuntarily clenched- and yet, both Sara and Matthew looked at each other and then burst into laughter.

Clutching her belly she fell forwards and Matthew shook his head in amusement,

"I don't really get what's funny", I hissed as they both clutched their chests. 

"Jacob- Xavier is gay", Matthew snorted as Amber hummed in amusement. What? He couldn't be gay? I saw them together. 

"He came out to me when we were like 11! We were super close before he moved to Kentucky. Even so, Why are you so bothered, I can fuck who I want", she chuckled taking a sip of her drink.

"Then that means-", I paused glancing at her again as her face softened and her brows furrowed. Does this mean this was all for nothing? Does this mean I never had any reason to treat her the way that I did that evening? That she was loyal to me the entire time? 

Pushing my chair out I charged towards the garden which was now empty as the cool air began to creep in. This wasn't fucking possible- There's no way I could've gotten it this wrong. I would never fucking forgive myself-

"Jacob?", her voice snapped me out of my trance. Her figure appeared in front of me as she crossed her arms,

"Are you okay? What just happened?", she looked concerned pouting her glossy lips slightly. Gesturing to the little table with two chairs either side of it, she sat down before I followed her tapping on the seat gently.

"Do you want to tell me what just happened in there?", tapping her fingers on the table I sighed.

"I fucked up Sar", I whispered watching her face contort into confusion,

"Do you remember the graduation party?", I spoke up confidently,

"How could I forget that shit show of a night", rolling her eyes she crossed her legs.

"That night, Maddy took me to a spare room-", 

"I do not want to hear this Jacob", Standing up slightly, I grabbed a hold of her forearm gently, "Please just listen", slowly nodding she took her seat again resting her elbows on the table motioning for me to carry on.

 "She was upset. She said that she'd found something out, and couldn't not tell me because she still loved me. She said that Nora had been on a run, and saw you and Xavier cosying up and therefore took pictures. *Bringing her hands to her face, she squeezed her eyes shut*. Maddy showed me those pictures-",

"And you thought I'd been unfaithful", she finished my sentence as I nodded slowly. The silence was so loud- so deafening. 

"That was why I did that thing to you- I was fucking heartbroken Sara, and I wanted you to feel the same pain that I had. And tonight I have found out that I was wrong", pursing my lips she rubbed her temples. 

"Why didn't you fucking talk to me", she broke the silence letting her back fall into the wooden chair,

"I was angry, hurt, betrayed, humiliated.", I explained,

"I guess that makes sense", nibbling her bottom lip she hummed,

"I don't want to rub salt in the wounds, but Maddy knows him and knows he's gay. She was good friends with him when he first came out", her voice broke as realisation sunk in. Maddy and Nora knew exactly what they were doing, and she did it to purposely break us up. 

"Here you are!", her voice interrupted us as we stared at each other,

"Oh, it's you!", Maddy chirped patting Sara on the shoulder,

"Don't touch me", she snapped rising to her feet as Maddy stepped back a little,

"Excuse me?", she hissed placing her hands on her hips,

"We know what you did, Maddy. We know you know Xavier Luton and what you told me all those years ago was a lie", fluttering her lashes she bit her lip awkwardly.

"But, you have to understand I was in love with you! I still am, I want to be with you Jacob", she whined desperately trying to condone her actions. 

"Get out. Or I'll call security", Sara hissed, nudging her arm as she stormed passed and back inside. 

"Jacob", her chin wobbled,

"Don't. Get your things from the room and leave", Shaking my head, I left her outside and headed back into the warm where everyone was dancing together. 

I couldn't believe it- I'd been such a fool. I hadn't even spoken to her about it, and if I had things might've been so different. And now she was in a relationship and living with him- they'd probably spoken about marriage, dogs, kids. All because of my ignorance, I had let the girl of my dreams slip right through my fingers. 

Sara's POV

I didn't know if I wanted to scream, laugh, cry or all of the above. Realistically, it shouldn't matter to me now as I'm with someone else and it's been 6 fucking years- so why do I feel so goddamn relieved. Why am I so happy that he didn't do what he did to hurt me? That it was all such a simple misunderstanding that could've been resolved with a few words. 

This was a discussion for another time, and I couldn't make this evening all about me and Jacob. 'Me and Jacob', a concept I hadn't thought of in so long. Slipping into the bathroom I exhaled as I sat down squeezing the bridge of my nose. Pulling my phone out, new messages from George popped up on my phone,

George: Isn't it crazy to think that in a weeks time we'll be in different states. I'm going to miss you so much.

George: When you get back we'll have to discuss what belongings each of us can have

George: Can I have the sofa?

Exhaling sharply and nodding my head I stuffed my phone back into my clutch. Everything is changing so fucking quickly, and I don't know if I can keep up. I'll be on my own again.

One thing is for sure, I'm not letting tonights revelation keep me from having a good time! This is my best friends wedding, I look hot and the alcohol is 1000% sinking in.

Let's go and dance!



Ahhhhh all has finally been revealed!🎉

Thank fuck Maddy is finally out of the picture- I really hated that bitch. I promise she won't be back!

Sooo, what now? Will they get together?

See you soon Darlings😘

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