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Sexual Content Warning😉

Sara's POV

Jacob said that he'd drive back, which was probably a much better idea than myself trying to. I didn't know what to say, I was so overwhelmed with the events of the day all I could do was picture their faces when I told them who I was- was it Shock? Anxiety? Confusion? Heck, maybe it was all 3.

"I told them", I sighed, staring into the indigo sky ahead of us darkening with each second that passed us by, 

"I'm proud of you, Sara", he hummed placing a hand on my thigh gently. He looked so handsome in this light.

"Thankyou for coming with me, it really means a lot", Clinging onto his hand he briefly shot me a smile,

"Do you want to come back to mine?", I questioned shyly, realising I didn't want to be a lone tonight- well, I never wanted to be alone, but sometimes you have to play with the cards life has dealt you.

"Won't your foster parents be in?", Nibbling his bottom lip he concentrated on the roads,

"No. They're nice people, but shitty parents. I see them once a week if I'm lucky, they're always away for work", shrugging my shoulders he scoffed running a hand through his hair,

"You're so strong", he breathed grasping onto my thigh again. 

We didn't say anything else on the way back home, the air felt heavy and uncertain. I just wanted to have a shower and a cuddle, I wanted to feel safe and warm- he was my solution.

Hauling into the house, I span to see Jacob throw his head back appreciating the crystal chandelier and over-priced art-work plastered over the walls.

"You're house is stunning", he hummed leaning forward to admire the Giacometti sculpture perching on a glass table surrounded by Lillies and Orchids,

"Thankyou, Maria has impeccable taste", I sighed boiling the kettle and hurling myself to sit on the side. Resting his thighs against the Kitchen Island opposite me, he folded his arms,

"Honestly, How are you feeling?", tilting his head back slightly I glanced at the floor,

"I don't know. I'm tired, but also relieved. At least they know who I am and that I want them to be a part of my life- I just hope they reciprocate", Pursing my lips timidly, he pushed his weight off the island to stand in between my legs resting his hands either side of my face, 

"They'd be idiots not to. Who couldn't want you", he grinned before kissing my forehead gently,

"I need to shower", I sighed scrunching my nose,

"Yeah you do, you stink", teasing me flirtatiously I nudged his shoulder,

"Ouch- Your invitation has officially been revoked", I giggled slipping from his hold and pouring myself a tea,

"Oh, I was invited huh?", I heard him jest behind me before I span on my heal heading towards the stairway,

"Not anymore", Murmuring under my breath, I pushed the door to my bedroom open hurling my bag onto the silk grey sheets and placing my drink on my bedside table. Lingering in the hallway, he rested his hand against the top of my door frame ominously with his brows furrowed,

"I was joking- are you coming?", I hummed pulling my top over my head to reveal the white lace bra underneath. He paused slightly, raking his eyes across my semi-exposed chest making my skin tingle and the corners of my lips curl upwards slightly. Striding into my room he pulled his t-shirt over his head to show off his perfectly carved torso. I'd almost forgotten how perfect he was- it was as if each speck of skin was moulded by Aphrodite herself.

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