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22 Years Later

Sara's POV

Preparing for dinner, I stood above the stove frying some noodles and vegetables as the feeling of two hands around my waist appeared.

"Hey you", I giggled as Jacob nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, 

"Hey beautiful- has anyone ever told you you look incredibly sexy with your hair up", he whispered making my skin tingle and my stomach tighten. Turning to face him, he gently pressed his lips to mine- god this never got old.

"Seriously guys, can you go one second without touching each other?", Fred, our 12 year old rolled his eyes placing his backpack on the floor next to his shoes making us jump slightly. Mel followed closely, giving us both a hug and hovering by the sink. Frustratingly, it seems as if my daughter is a clone of her father! I promise you, there is not a single hair on her head that resembles myself- and yes I am her biological mother, I remember that birth all too well. However, she is stunning! And I promise that's not just me being bias, the amount of modelling agencies that have approached that girl is ridiculous. Not that she ever took an interest.

"Hey babies, how was school?", I asked curiously as Fred took a seat and grabbed a cookie. Now Fred, Fred is all me much to Jacob's dismay. Apparently, he even rolls his eyes are the same way as me- which is a credit to myself. I mastered that art a loooong time ago!

"It was good, I had a biology practical today which was pretty cool, we got to see an actual heart", he chirped enthusiastically making Jacob chuckle as Mel took a seat next to him.

"Hey, if you enjoyed that I can get hold of some footage of a cerebral aneurysm repair I did yesterday", Jacob grinned as Fred clapped his hands together,

"I've never seen one of those, I liked the craniotomy one though- that was cool", he chomped on his cookie as we shook our heads. He was definitely going to be a doctor.

"How about you Mel?", I asked as she nodded,

"Yeah it was good, nothing too interesting to be honest", she confessed biting into a chocolate chip cookie. After catching up about their days, myself and Jacob pulled our coats on,

"Right, me and your mom are going to go to Grandma Shikha and Grandpa Vartan's grave, do either of you want to join?", Jacob asked rising from his seat,

"Oh, we already went after school to take some flowers. I'm sorry, we didn't know you were going otherwise we would've gone with you", Mel bit her lip. She was an amazing kid, and never failed to make me proud. Pulling her into a hug I kissed her cheek,

"Don't worry baby, you stay home! We'll be back in an hour", I smiled before giving them both a hug.

I spent a long time confused as to why I hadn't heard anything from my parents- I thought they didn't want me, that they were angry I showed my face. That was until I was contacted by the state regarding their deaths which I was furious about seeing it was a whopping 7 years after they passed away. 

As upsetting as it was to admit- my parents never managed to get clean, and after years of drug misuse they overdosed. I was heartbroken when I found out, and even more so when I was given a box of things they had put aside for me- I assume intended for when they'd meet me next.

It was full of photo's, blankets, clothes that they'd kept and a letter. A letter saying how proud they were of me, and how sorry they were for not being there throughout my childhood. They also spoke about their parents- it turns out that I am Lebanese!

It's the anniversary of their deaths today, and more often than not I try my best to keep their graves well-kept and clean. And Jacob never failed to come with me.

We'd been through our fair share of ups and downs together when we began dating again- long distance was hard, but any opportunity we had we'd see each other- and his family were amazing to me. When I qualified as a paediatric oncologist, and Jacob as a neurosurgeon, we did well for ourselves and decided to move back to Ohio in order to be closer to family and friends. 

3 years after dating we married, and 4 years after marriage when we were both fully qualified we had Mel who is currently 16. I'm so blessed to have the life that I do. 

After adding some more flowers to the grave and heading back home, we opened the door to see Mel sat with her chin in her hands in front of the TV.

"Are you okay baby?", I asked as me and Jacob perched next to her.

"Mom, I hate boys", holding her phone in front of us, a picture of a handsome boy and her Maths teacher stood in frame with him holding a big white certificate. Glancing at each other confusedly, Jacob threw his arm around her,

"Oh honey, what's going on?", 

"He infuriates me! As if he won the Attainment award!", she seethed, her cheeks turning a crimson shade of red,

"He's an ass. A complete and utter ass. He told me that my English essay was a pile of shit- guess what- I got a higher grade than him. He's always showing off in class as well, 'ooo look at me miss I can do a titration'", she imitated his voice, "Like, it's really not that impressive. AND- he will take any opportunity he can to insult me! I won't have even said anything to him and he'll throw some unintelligent disparage at me. I hate him.", catching Jacob's eye, we both grinned. This story sounded all too familiar.

"Why are you smiling? This isn't funny!", she whined sitting back and folding her arms,

"Oh we know sweetie, it's just- me and your mom didn't like each other in high school either. In-fact I thought she was a-", raising an eyebrow at him, he paused awkwardly. 

"The point is- sometimes boys are like that to girls they actually like", he continued,

"Pffff, as if. We will never get a long, he's the literal spawn of satan. And no, I don't want you to talk to my teachers about it", she snapped as Jacob threw his hands in the air,

"Okay baby, well maybe it's best to stay away from him if he's irritates you this much", I suggested as she nodded in agreement.

Stepping into the kitchen and plating dinner up, I heard Jacob chuckle,

"What?", I asked,

"It's just ironic- sounds familiar don't you think?", he grinned placing his hands on my waist,

"Oh yeah", I giggled as he pulled me into a kiss.

It's the classic Enemies-to-lovers phenomenon, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The End



And we are finished!🎉🎉🎉

Guys, thank you so so much for reading my first story- it's been a blast to write and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it!

I will be starting another story straight away- so maybe pop your notifications on😁

Stay safe all❤️ 

See you soon Darlings😘

Enemies with Benefits [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora