✨Bonus Epilogue✨

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A/n: Haiii besties! I've been feeling sentimental over this story lately, especially after the up-kick in views it's been receiving. Soooo I thought maybe some of you might appreciate this special treat. A little more of our lovely couple, and their time together after Y/n's death. It ain't much, but, I wanted to give you a little something. Thank you all for the support, and the constructive criticism, and the love.
I know it's not perfect, I know some folk have very... strong, opinions about some of my writing choices (I can't cater to everybody, and I'm not stifling my creativity in the process of trying 🤷🏼‍♀️) but I appreciate you all taking the time to try and read through it all. I really tried, and this story was -and forever will be- a labor of love from me.
Anyways. I love and adore you all to pieces, and I hope this bonus piece finds you well. Enjoy, my deers!

Hakuna Matata,
~Jinx / EyeMTired


"You look so beautiful." Alastor said with a lovesick sigh. "Absolutely radiant."

You smiled, and felt your cheeks redden.

Smiling sweetly, he lightly pressed a curved finger beneath your chin and tilted your head upward. The angle allowing him to look into your eyes, letting you witness all the compassion and warmth behind his glowing red gaze.

"You think so?" You asked.

He nodded. "For a moment, I half wondered why a goddess was walking down the aisle to meet me."

You giggled, playfully giving him a gentle shove before you laced your fingers behind his neck and let him hold you closer.

Smiling widely at your jest, he simply readjusted his hold on you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You took a small step closer, as close as the space would allow without you stepping on his hooves. Almost cheek to cheek as he lead you in this little slow dance.

For what occasion were the two of you dancing this time? Why, it was your wedding reception, of course.

Photos of you and your husband were just taken out in the luscious garden just across the way of the venue; right after the ceremony. You couldn't wait to see how they turned out. All of the photos from tonight, really.

It was a small wedding. Being, your friends were also Alastor's friends; and he didn't have too many of those down here. Plenty of acquaintances, sure. But nobody either of you wanted to bother spending money on catering and an open bar for.

The actual ceremony was indoors but the reception was being held outside. A large patio covered by a lovely canopy, surrounded by luscious greenery and flowers like hydrangeas, bleeding hearts, and of course tiger lilies in honor of his mother.

The canopy itself was decorated with gorgeous vines, the bewitching hues only made more magical by twinkling fairy-lights strung up around the perimeter and up the support beams. The sky gradually getting darker only made the soft lighting seem prettier in contrast.

The dress you wore was like one from your dreams; it was complete perfection in every sense of the word. Alastor made sure that you knew he spared no expenses when it came to the wedding, the dress, the venue, honeymoon etc; so when he told you to get whatever you wanted, he meant it. You picked a style that you loved, and got all the alterations and designs that your little black heart desired.

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