Chapter 26

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(TW: violence, gore, suspense/stressful situations, and *drumroll* cannibalism. Proceed with caution.)

You felt your face drain of color, immediately every limb felt limp as a noodle as your anxiety was at peak level.

"I was hoping one of these days following Jess would lead me here." He smirked.

As he went to march inside your instincts finally kicked in and you immediately slammed the door. However, unsuccessful as he wedged his foot in the doorway and begun to push back against you. Even with your full body weight against the door you still couldn't get it shut all the way.

"Go away, ex/n!" You yelled, desperately trying to close the door on him. Your heart was racing so fast in your chest it was practically vibrating, mind a blur as your survival instincts were practically in full gear.

"I just wanna talk!" He shouted. "Give me a fucking chance!"

"There's nothing to talk about! Go the fuck away or I'm calling the cops!!"

"They won't make it in time." He laughed, using most of his body weight to push the door back open and shoving you along with it. You grunted as the force shot you back and into the wall behind you, hitting your head pretty hard. Somewhat fortunately, you couldn't register the pain with the amount of adrenaline in your system. Pain was nonexistent at the moment. There was only the need to escape.

"Shit.." you panted, quickly scrambling to get back on your feet. Your vision was a little blurry from the head injury, but that didn't matter to you right now. If you could see straight enough to get away or try and fight him off, then that was good enough for you. You got up on your feet and tried to dodge and run past him. But he held his arm down low in an attempt to block and grab you. The force from the blow knocked the wind out of you as it made you fall on your ass. Thinking quick, you used the opportunity to kick him in the crotch hard enough to bring him to his knees.

To be doubly sure he was debilitated for a moment, you gave another good kick to his stomach and tried to scamper away back onto your feet. But he managed to grab one of your ankles as you were getting back up, yanking you back down to the floor with a hard thud that immediately bruised your knees on the way down. Trying to kick and writhe your way out of his grasp, and reach for anything you possibly could in a feeble attempt to swing at him with.

He got up and pulled you closer to him, your body sliding across the floor with ease- much to your dismay.

"Leave me alone!!" You screamed.

"You know if you would have just been a better girlfriend to me this could have all been avoided." He snickered. "If you would've just behaved like I asked you to, I wouldn't have gotten so mad! Baby I didn't wanna be so mean to you! I could've been your prince charming, but you pushed me to be this way."

"You're fucking insane-" you yelled, but it was cut off as went to cover your mouth with his hand. You screamed so loud it was if your vocal cords tore from the tension in your throat. As you squirmed relentlessly you managed to get at an angle where you were able to bite him if you wanted to. And you did. Clamping your jaw down hard as you sank your teeth into his flesh. He grunted and pulled his hand away in aggravation -also in need of relief from the pain- and you felt skin tear off and blood trickling down your chin and cheeks as the skin tore.

The smell of iron wafted up your nostrils as you spit and sputtered out the chunk you had taken out of his hand, gagging slightly in the process as you could barely taste it. You tried to crawl away from him again but this time he grabbed a handful of your hair and dragged you over to the wall, pulling you up onto your feet. You hissed and winced at the pain, trying to pry his grip off of you. Your cries were cut off by his other hand around your neck, holding you with your back against the wall as he lifted you up; feet off the ground. The way he stood over you made it damn near impossible to try and fight your way out. Doing the only thing you could think of you dug your nails into his wrists and scratched them to ribbons; drawing blood from his open abrasions. But he seemed more annoyed by it than deterred.

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