Chapter 30

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"Five... Four... Three... Two... One... Happy new year!"

You and your friends collectively cheered, some blowing party horns and noise makers while others clinked their glasses together. Alastor's grip around your waist had pulled taught, reeling you in closer for an affectionate kiss. You smiled into it and could feel his lips do the same, the corners curling upward as he doted on you with sweet, chaste affection. The murmurs and 'woo's' of your friends muffled to a hum as you both tuned them out.

As he pulled away he planted a gentle smooch on your cheek as he whispered in your ear. "Perfect way to kick off the new year~" he said with a chuckle.

"Agreed." You giggled.

You sighed happily and wrapped your arms around his waist, hugging and snuggling him as he held you in return. You watched the new years celebration on TV, the chatter of the room still a mere white noise to you as you watched confetti fall and people cheer wearing festive attire on the screen in front of you.

"Darling?" You heard his voice, pulling your thoughts back down to earth as you hummed and met his gaze. A flash of red twinkled and glowed dimly in his eyes before returning to a beautiful honey brown. "You alright?"

"Yeah." You hummed, blushing faintly. "Just dazing... Had a bit too much champagne, maybe."

"My little dizzy dreamer." He chuckled, kissing the top of your head. "Do I have to cut you off?"

"I'm cutting myself off." You chuckled, setting your glass down on the nearby coffee table. "Think I'm gonna get some fresh air, actually."

"Would you like me to join you?" He asked, a subtle sense of concern in his voice. He noted that you were still having panic attacks here and there since the... Ordeal... and wanted to ensure that you were going to be okay. He had to admit, it made him fairly protective over you. More so than he was before. It was certainly unlike him to bare so much concern over somebody, but, you were the exception to him. You were different. He loved you, and wanted you safe.

"I'll be okay," you assured him. "Just need some quiet, feeling a little overstimulated."

As you turned to walk away and grab your coat, Alastor gently grabbed your hand and stopped you from walking too far off. You looked at him, meeting his gaze with curious doe eyes as he leaned in close. "Just say my name if you need me, my love. And I'll be right out. Alright?"

Your heart fluttered as his sweetness, smiling gently as you squeezed his hand back before letting go. "Thank you love. I'll be back in a minute or two."

"Hey Al!" Eric called out from the kitchen. Alastor whipped his head back to look at the slew of friends starting to crowd the kitchen counter, unscrewing a variety of liquor bottles. "Want a shot?"

"Please!" He hummed with delight, strolling over to the kitchen to join the others. "Is there any Jameson left?"

"Jame-o for Al," Eric hummed, pouring the dark whiskey into a shot glass before handing it over to Al. "Who wanted what?" He asked the rest, pouring a variety for whomever wanted one. Ranging between flavored vodka, whiskey, tequila~ each chose their pick of the poison and grabbed a small glass.

"Did Y/n want one?" Jess asked, looking around for you.

"She's outside getting some air, I think she's had enough for a little while." Al answered.

"She okay?" David asked.

"Oh she's alright," he hummed. "Her nerves have been a bust these days and she needed a quiet moment to herself. I'll check on her in a moment."

"Can I just say," Eric spoke up. "Thank you, Al, for being good to her. Seriously you seem wonderful to her. We've known her for a long time and haven't seen her so happy in years until you came around."

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