Chapter 17

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"What do you mean he's here?"

You looked away from your reflection as you adjusted your skirt, one of the girls straightening out the back of your top while another was adjusting the curls in your hair.

"He's at the bar. We told the security guys about the situation, and they're keeping an eye on him. They can't just kick him out unless he's actually causing a disturbance." Jess sighed. "But if he tries anything he's gone."

You huffed and shook your head. "Figures." You muttered. "Is Al still out there?"

"Oh yeah." She affirmed almost immediately. "Once we told him about it he said he was going to keep an eye on him too. He actually offered if we wanted him to escort him out of here. He and Eric are sitting somewhere they can keep an eye on ex/n and the stage."

"Hah..." you chuckled nervously, sitting down in a nearby chair as you processed the news, feeling your heart racing a little and your hands get shakey. "Well, shit."

"Do you... Not wanna go on anymore?" She asked. "I understand if you're not comfortable."

"Literally no one would blame you." Another girl, Colleen, said as she finished touching up your hair with hairspray. "At the end of the day we want you to feel safe."

You sat for a moment and pondered your options. Option one, you go home with your tail between your legs instead of doing something you used to love. Maybe lay awake tonight tossing and turning over how even though you left ex/n, somehow he still has you under his thumb. And perhaps live with the guilt of backing out of this.

Option two, you have faith in the security guards, your friends, and Alastor all looking out for you. All rooting for you. You go out there, sing and dance your heart out like nobody's watching, and gain some sense of control back. Revive that part of you that once lay dormant and afraid for so long. Smile right in his fucking face and show him who's really in control.

Option two sounded better.

"The show must go on." You said simply, taking a deep breath in and reaching over to grab your stilettos.

"You sure?" Another girl asked.

You nodded and began putting on your shoes. "Yeah. I wanna do this. Besides, Momma didn't raise no bitch."

"Do you want some water? Or a minute to compose yourself?" Jess asked.

You looked up at them and smiled faintly. "Thanks, but... I'm gonna let the adrenaline take me."


"Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, and every ghoulish ghost and goblin in between: Welcome to our 6th annual Halloween show of Macabre Burlesque." Jess announced, standing front and center in front of the stage's red curtain.

She was dressed as a circus ring leader, a long red form-fitting coat left open in the front to reveal a black and white stripped corset, black shorts (that covered about as much as a bikini bottom piece) and thigh high black stockings and garters connected to the corset. The look completed with a pair of tall, platform stilettos and a black and white stripped top-hat. She looked as marvelous as you and the rest of the girls did. Standing tall and proud in front of the settling audience who whooped and cheered; you on the other side of the curtain, all dressed up and hidden from the crowd. Just waiting for the curtain to open and music to start for you to kick off the show.

"This year we invite you to witness a dark carnival: filled with dancing, sword swallowing and fire eating as we welcome several guest stars to entertain and captivate you here tonight. To start off the show we'd like to bring to you one of our old friends. Some of you may remember her, and those who haven't seen her yet are sure to fall head over heels in an instant. She's sultry, she's fun, and we're glad to have her back. So without further ado may I proudly introduce to you the heart-stopping, the mesmerizing:
Alice Von Haze."

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