Chapter 35

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"Al is your tail wagging?"

"I'm happy, dammit, don't judge me." He said with a sniffle, chuckling softly in spite of himself. You giggled as you continued to hear the soft swooshing sound of his tail against his clothes.

"I'm just so fucking happy..." his hand that was once around your waist moved up to cup the side of your face. His touch was so soft, and so gentle, it was if you were made of glass with how delicately he grazed along your skin. His thumb caressing your cheek while he placed his hand at the crook of your jaw, leaning in again slowly. "May I kiss you again? Please?"

You smiled, brushing the tip of your nose against his as you nodded. Watching the happy tears stream from his face as his smile reached his eyes, before shutting them as he closed the gap between you two. He missed you so much, your soft lips against his, your body held close to him, he just couldn't believe it. He never wanted to let you go.

He hummed into the kiss as your lips moved in synch, as you slowly reached up and snaked your fingers through his soft hair. Deepening the kiss. Your breath hitched in your throat when you felt him gently suck on your bottom lip before releasing it as he pulled away only mere inches from your now blushing face. "I promise never to keep things from you again."

"You better not or I'll come at you with the broom again." You teased.

He laughed gently and brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "I would let you. I'd deserve it. Y/n I'm so sorry, I know I can't take back all of that time and told you sooner but I'll just be endlessly sorry forever and ever. I'm an open book from now on, you have my word."

You nodded, feeling in your gut the sincerity in his words. Somehow, even after what had happened two weeks ago, it felt right to trust him. You just hoped your instincts were correct. "Is there anything else that didn't get brought up the last time we spoke?" You asked.

He took a deep breath and looked off to the side for a moment as he thought. Furrowing his brows. "Well," he started. "You should probably know, I rank high in the social hierarchy in the Pride Ring. I'm an overlord."

"The adorable man in front of me is an overlord?" You smirked.

"I am not adorable." He pouted. "I am respected as well as feared."

"Your tail is still wagging, deer boy."

His eyes narrowed and his ears fell back, still pouting. Still hearing the swoosh of his tail. "Regardless," he sighed, "my status could potentially work in your favor in the future. I find it doubtful other sinners would attempt to bother you, so long as we were together."

"That... is comforting." You chuckled somewhat awkwardly. What a interesting perception of death. To be given a general idea on when it will happen, but at the same time being maybe the only person on earth to know what awaits on the other side. You didn't really know how to feel.

"I know this is a lot to take in." He said. It's like he read your mind.

"Yeah, definitely a pill to swallow." You nodded. "Uhm... This is hard to ask, but... Will it hurt?"

"I'm sorry, darling?" He asked, furrowing his brows in intrigue.

"When... it is my time...?"

Alastor's eyes saddened for a moment, dimming in brightness. "To be honest, I don't know, my dear. I don't really have much of a say over how it happens. If I had to find a pattern it seems to all just boils down to unfortunate coincidence. Two that I can think of off the cuff are some people you'll likely meet by the names of Husker and Niffty. Husk was a drinker, he wound up getting alcohol poisoning. Niffty was a busy homebody who tripped while cleaning and conked her head."

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