Chapter 13

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"I'll get a fire started, you go and dry off. You'll catch your death of cold if you don't change into something warmer." Alastor gently insisted as you both entered your house.

You snuggled his long, red overcoat that he had let you wear on the ride home. Summoning it as you got back in your car, he insisted you wore it to help warm up from the rain as he drove you home.

It smelled wonderful... It smelled like him.

"You know that's an old wives tale, right?" You hummed, lazily raking your fingers through your damp hair to move the strands from out of your face. He looked at you with a bemused expression as he walked over to the fireplace in your living room. You couldn't help but giggle quietly. "What about you? You can't stay in wet clothes." You protested gently.

"Don't worry about me, darling." He smiled. "Now run along. I'll be down here when you return, go on."

You blushed lightly and nodded, making your way up your stairs and down the hallway to your bedroom. Somewhere off in the distance you heard Binx sprinting across the floor in excitement of your arrival home, however didn't come barreling up the stairs after you. You shrugged it off and entered your room.

Picking out a pair of pajama bottoms and a tank-top, you shirked out of your wet clothes -that seemed to stick to you as you tried to remove them- and tossed them into the hamper. Your thoughts that were once racing before the kiss, now stayed at a steady hum once you two had simmered down and decided it was time to head back. You didn't know what to make of this situation. You and Alastor just shared a kiss. And not your standard, quick smooch or gentle peck. You two were fully immersed in each other, and dammit... You loved every second of it.

Just thinking about it made your heart flutter all over again and your flushed cheeks to redden even more.

Alastor felt the same as he tended to the growing fire in the fireplace, Binx having gone up to him and nuzzled against his leg while he sat on the floor in front of the fire. He chuckled down at the affectionate feline as he reached down to pet it's little head, the black cat letting out mews and "prrt's" as he purred. "Is it safe to say you don't hate me anymore?" Alastor hummed with amusement as he looked down at the cat.


"I'm glad." He chuckled. His ears flicked in your direction as he heard the gentle footsteps as you descended the stairs. His smile softening as he awaited you.

"Awhh, he's warming up to you." You cooed, reaching down and giving Binx a long pet down his back before sitting down beside Al. Not before neatly folding the stags coat and setting it down on the couch, then handing him a soft blanket to warm up with.

He nodded appreciatively and unfolded it, wrapping it around him and even drapping a side over you so you could bundle up as well. You scooted closer to him so he could share the blanket better, you appreciate the sweetness of his gesture as you rest against him.

"I was starting to think I'd never see the day." He hummed, looking up from the cat and down at you. "Seems like Binx isn't the only one warming up to me."

You blushed slightly repressed a nervous smile. "Not bad for your first time, by the way. Not bad at all." You admitted.

"Does this mean there'll be a second occasion?" He asked. You looked up at him.

"Are you saying you'd like one?" You mused, a soft giggle slipping out at the end of your question. You almost didn't believe your eyes as he blushed softly once again.

You watched as his eyes trailed down to your lips, missing them already, before looking back into your eyes. "I would, my dear... If you'll allow it."

You smiled softly and reached up toward his face. Brushing a piece of his hair from out of his eyes, silently in awe at the two toned strands that felt so unbelievably soft to the touch. Then gently resting your hand on the side of his face and neck. The bucks eyes fluttered closed as he leaned in with you, meeting you half way.

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