Chapter 10

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"Drive safe, please text me when you get home." You said warmly, David and Jeremy pulling you into a hug. They were the last two to leave for the evening, aside from Alastor who was currently seated in the living room.

"We will, thanks for having us over!" Jeremy drunkenly slurred.

"Anytime!" You giggled before turning to David. "Please tell me you're driving?"

He nodded and helped prop up his boyfriend by his side as he opened the door. "I am, we'll be fine. Take care, Y/n."

As they left, you felt a wave of silence hit you as the house was finally still and calm. Your mind was still reeling over what happened on the porch with Alastor, whom at this rate you had assumed was going to be staying the night in the guest room.

As soon as you had come back inside after that whole ordeal, you immediately grabbed a shot glass and poured yourself a drink without even looking at the label on the bottle, throwing it back and letting the harsh liquid burn as it moved down your throat. That was your last drink for the night and you had sobered up some since then.

Alastor, as you could have predicted, was acting as if everything was normal and nothing had happened. For the time being, you supposed you'd play innocent along with him until you were both alone again.

"I'd say this was a very successful evening, my dear!" You heard his voice ring out, that radio filter back in his voice as you turned to face him; now returned to his usual demonic state, and smiling contently in your direction.


You walked over to him and sat down on the couch beside him. He noticed your slightly sluggish state and perked up, leaning forward as he spoke to you once more.

"Are you alright, darling?"

"I'm just really sleepy." You said softly. "Eager to get all this makeup off and go to sleep. And also irritated that you took the last green apple sucker from me."

He snickered as his eyes seemed to glow with amusement. "Aw, you poor thing."

"You don't even like candy, I even watched you throw it away when you went back inside. You could have given it back to me." You rolled your eyes as you reclined into the couch.

"But where's the fun in that?" He hummed. "I got caught up in the moment when I took it from you, I suppose."

"I'd say so..." you grumbled.

He eyed your expression as he thought, admittedly bewildered with himself for his actions earlier. It truly wasn't like him to do such a thing. There was a fine line between his natural charm and flat out flirting, and he walked that line like it was a tightrope.

But this time he full on came onto you, and he knew exactly what he was doing.

Maybe he just felt bold, maybe he just wanted a rise out of you. But it felt so easy to with you... He'd even be so tempted to do it again. He couldn't figure out why, but it was a compulsion he couldn't seem to ignore, even being more sober than he was before. If anything, it only baffled him more now.

"Was I out of line?" He asked.

Your eyes widened as you looked back over at him, his eyes read curiosity and a layer of emotion you couldn't decode. "Why do you care?"

"Because you didn't stop me."

You bit your bottom lip as you thought. "Probably because I was in shock. I didn't know whether or not you were actually serious." You confessed. You didn't have the energy -or capacity- to tell him it was also because you just wished he'd just done it, loathing that teasing with no release and Jess interrupting the moment. "I don't know if I can handle this conversation right now, Alastor. I'm very tired and not thinking straight."

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