Chapter 21

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You awoke slowly the next morning. Slowly but with ease, gently shifting from a world of dreaming to the world around you. Coming back to reality, memories of your activities last evening came flooding in . A sleepy smile crept across your face as you nuzzled your face into your pillow. A quiet little hum escaping your lips as happy hormones were still running their course, along with the general ease of having a good nights rest. You rolled over and went to curl up to the deer man beside you; only to become a little confused as you scooted over and didn't feel his body next to you. Come to think of it, you didn't hear him either. Alastor wasn't much of a snorer (unless he was laying on his back, anyway) but he usually made little noises in his sleep. Cute whimpers and hums, gentle breathing, sometimes just the sound of soft radio frequencies.

But there wasn't any of that.

"Alastor?" You called out softly, opening your eyes and feeling the empty spot on the bed next to you. You furrowed a brow in concern as you sat up and glanced about your suite. From what you could tell it was still fairly dark out, the room barely illuminated by the blueish grey skies outside that seemed to hide the sun. The curtains being drawn certainly didn't help either. But alas, no trace of your boyfriend. He said he'd be here when I woke up... Did he leave? You wondered, feeling a twinge of sadness in your chest. Did... He really just leave after what we did?

You sat up in bed and hugged your knees to your chest, the covers falling off your naked body and feeling the rush of cool air against your skin as you bit back the urge to cry. You knew you shouldn't cry before a photoshoot since it would make your face puffy but you almost couldn't help it. You tried not to panic, not to over think, but the seconds ticked by. Seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like an eternity. Eventually you got up from the bed and went over to the bathroom to take a peak in there.


He couldn't have just left. He... He said he loved me... He wouldn't...

You angrily shut the bathroom door in a huff as your sadness was slowly intertwining with rage. You stomped over to the bed and threw yourself back onto it, hugging a pillow close to you and let a few tears slip down your cheeks. Was it a bit dramatic? Maybe, but in the moment you didn't care. I should have known better...

You sat there for another few minutes, letting the tears continue to fall as you cried silently. Every fiber of your being feeling like it was on fire as your blood boiled. You didn't know if you were more angry or depressed, you just knew you were hurting.

After a moment or two the sound of the door unlocking and then opening pulled you from your thoughts. You sniffled softly and sat up. Much to your surprise and relief there stood Alastor, slowly shifting back to his demonic form with some things in hand. What he was holding you couldn't really tell, it didn't exactly register in your mind seeing as you were just glad he was here.

"Darling?" He called out to you, noticing the distraught look on your face. Confusion carved into his features. He had only been gone a half an hour, how long had you been awake for?

"Alastor?" Your voice cracked slightly, wavering as your emotions where now jumbled. Going from sadness to relief like it was a rollercoaster of feelings.

"Darling, whatever is the matter? Were you crying?" He asked softly, setting his things down on a desk across the room with a slight sense of urgency and came over to you. You tossed the pillow you were holding off to the side and immediately threw yourself at him; wrapping your arms around him pulling him onto the bed as your tears started to slow down. "Sweetheart, please tell me what's wrong?" He continued, baffled by your discontentment and apparent desperation for comfort.

"I... I thought you left..." you sniveled. You pulled away from the hug and let him look at you.

'She thought I...? Ohhh...' His heart ached at the site of your pain, of course he would never just abandon you after what you two did.  "Oh, Y/n..." He sighed, wiping the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs before pulling you in for another hug. You curled up to him as he pet your hair and rubbed your back, gently shushing you to lull your erratic nerves. "Darling I would never just leave you like that, especially not after last night. I love you, I meant it when I said it last night and still I mean it now. I'm terribly sorry I caused you such a panic, I should have left you a message or something. There's a diner down the block and I wanted to get us breakfast before you had to get ready, see?"

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