Chapter 11

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Your voice sang out in a high falsetto, the stag chuckling and shaking his head fondly as he heard your voice in the back of his mind. Straightening a stack of papers that lay upon his desk, he then snapped his fingers; teleporting to you. He smiled warmly as he saw you seated at the edge of your bed, still in your pajamas and your hair pulled back in a messy bun, awaiting his arrival.

"Good afternoon my dear! Slept in, I see?" He hummed.

"Nope." You smirked. "Just a late start to the day. Hope I'm not catching you at a bad time, I just have a question for you."

"You're perfectly fine." He smiled wider. "What is it, darling?"

"I'm going to Paris in a week for work. Would you be interested in joining me?"

His brows raised with intrigue as he looked at you. "Paris? Why of course my dear! I've never been."

You giggled softly. "Neither have I."

Another week had gone by since your party, Alastor had made a point to see you a couple of times throughout the week when he wasn't at work. This was actually the first time you had summoned him, it was a pleasant change of pace for him as well as a nice surprise. You had warmed up to him a little bit more throughout his visits, however you still kept your guard up.

Alastor assumed it was mostly due to your past experiences, between your ex and losing your parents some time ago you likely chose not to get close to anyone who wasn't already a part of your life; and had a very hard time trusting anybody. He couldn't blame you if that were the case, however it was a tad annoying that every time he thought the two of you were growing closer you'd shut down and act dismissively toward him. A defense mechanism probably, but annoying for him none the less. Perhaps it was just his ego, or, maybe you were afraid of letting him in because you were growing to like him.

"Fortunately for you," he continued, "I speak a decent amount of French; so if you don't at least there won't be much of a language barrier with me around." He grinned, eyeing you as you got off from your bed and walked over to your dresser.

Your eyes lit up with curiosity as you looked over at the stag. "Really?"

"Yes indeedy!"

"Why... I hope you don't find me rude when I ask, why was the incantation on the radio Haitian-Creole and not French? I'm just curious."

"You're fine, dear." He affirmed, sitting on the edge of your bed as he watched you pull out an outfit for the day. "That incantation was passed down from my mother, who spoke both languages as well as English. But she spoke more French and English around me overall, so those are what I picked up on the most."

"Ah. Damn that's impressive... I can barely speak English, and it's my native tongue." You chuckled.

He laughed softly. "Your mind works too fast for your mouth to catch up. I used to have that same issue but broadcasting helped me nip that little habit."

"God forbid you stuttered on the job and show some humility." You hummed, smirking over at him.

"I could never." He chuckled.

"You know you don't have to stick around if I'm keeping you from something important." You said suddenly. His brows raised in surprise.

"Are you trying to get rid of me so soon?" He teased.

You shrugged.

"Not exactly. But I'm about to get changed, and you can either leave, turn around, or watch. Just a fair warning."

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