Chapter 41

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(Smut warning: raunchy situations ahead)

"Hit it, boys."

On his cue, a band of Alastor's shadow minions had manned a few instruments and begun playing a classic outside your bedroom window unbeknownst to you. Al, of course, looking dapper as all fuck in a mostly black and grey suit (minus the coat), with the exception of his red bowtie; taking his place as the singer and frontman of this little show.

A few days had gone by since you said yes to Al's proposal, both of you were excited and happy at the engagement. For now, you both agreed to keep your engagement on the down-low. Not wanting the extra attention from your family and friends. You agreed that you'd make arrangements to have a quick marriage at the courthouse and spend another vacation together, which was fine with the two of you  until you could have a proper wedding, well, later. He promised you that he was going to get you a ring, too. He never specified when, but he was adamant about it. You thought it was incredibly thoughtful, but you weren't devastated at the lack of jewelry, you weren't too focused on materialism. You could do without the ring as long as he was still holding the hand it would go on. It was his love you wanted most of all, and you had it.

"... I got a gal who's always late
Anytime we have a date
But I love her, I'm gonna ask her,
Is you is or is you ain't my baby?"

You paused what you were doing, setting down the mascara you were using as you tuned into the faint music. Wondering to yourself where in earth that could be coming from. Having a hunch it was Alastor related, seeing as your phone wasn't playing music and your TV was off. You smirked gently as you listened for a second before walking over to your bedroom window. You peeled back the curtain, and sure enough, there was your fiancé serenading you like he was still trying to woo you. You smiled at the sight, watching his smile grow in return as you locked eyes and he kept singing.

"The way you're actin' lately makes me doubt
You's is still my baby, baby~
Seems my flame in your heart's done gone out."

You moved away from the window and put on a light jacket before scurrying downstairs and out through the back door, walking out onto the porch to get a better view of this private performance. They don't make 'em like him anymore. You thought fondly to yourself, leaning over the railing on the porch and resting your chin on your hand. Blushing, looking at him with heart-eyes as he sauntered over, walked up the steps and over to you.

"A woman is a creature that has always been strange
Just when you're sure of one, you find she's gone and made a change
Is you is or is you ain't my baby?"

He smiled sweetly as he took your hand in his, twirling you and swaying you for a moment before bending you into a dip. Spurring a series of bubbly giggles from you as you draped your arms around his neck and held onto him.

"Maybe baby's found somebody new
Or is my baby still my baby true?"

"How did I get so lucky?" You asked.

"Awh, sweetheart~." He hummed, kissing your cheek and twirling a strand of your hair around his index finger before helping you stand back up. "I ask myself the same thing every morning when I see your pretty face."

"You ask yourself how I got so lucky?" You teased, snickering a little as he playfully rolled his eyes. "That's mean."

"You know what I mean, brat."

"I may be a brat, and yet, you still asked me to marry you." You smirked. "So clearly it can't bother you that badly."

He chuckled and looked over to the shadow figures off in the yard behind him, dismissing them with a wave of his hand. "Nice work, fellas." He called to them over his shoulder. "You may go." You watched with amusement as they seemed to sink back into the ground and disappear, before turning to look back at your lover.

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