Chapter 5

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"As stated earlier I shall come and go at my leisure, however, should you wish to request my assistance personally..." Alastor stated, and with a wave of his hand summoned a necklace; a coffin nail that hung on a silver chain, it draped down from his nimble fingers as he held it in front of you. You held out your hand with weariness and curiosity. He placed it in your palm and closed your fingers around it; encasing your hand in his.

"As long as you have this, all you have to do is say my name~

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"As long as you have this, all you have to do is say my name~." He continued, letting go of your hand and bending down to your height. You looked back at him and he met your gaze with a sickly sweet smile.

"When you say, 'at your leisure'..."

"I won't be in your hair all the time, I do have work to attend to in Hell." He rolled his eyes and chuckled smugly as if you should have known. "But when I have the time, I shall come around. Expect to be seeing me more often."

You looked back down at your hand that held the talisman and placed it in your pocket. You turned away from the stag and let out an exasperated sigh, resting your forehead on your hand as you tried to process your thoughts.

This is nuts. I'm losing my mind... I have to be dreaming. There was something wrong with the wine I drank earlier. Maybe I have carbon monoxide poisoning and I'm hallucinating. ANY of these things is more realistic than making a deal with a literal demon.

"I can't believe this..." you muttered quietly to yourself.

Alastor cocked his head to the side in amusement as he observed your befuddled state. "Believe it, my dear! Why, it's not so bad! Think of it this way, how many people can say they have assistance from the supernatural?"

"Not just that." You said shaking your head and getting up from your seat. You walked over to your kitchen window and stared out at the now dark blue sky, noting the faint glimpse of stars that would probably be more visible if it weren't for the glare of light against the glass. "I'm also grappling with the fact that... Well, there's life after death. The soul goes on. There's punishment and consequences. It's not just a... 'lights out and you're done' sorta deal." You said crossing your arms across your chest and hugging yourself slightly.

"Have you done things worth worrying about where your soul will end up?" He pried, he might as well get a glimpse into who you are if you're going to be a new source of entertainment for him. Before you're his for your entire afterlife, to serve at every beck and call; just like Niffty and Husk and many others.

You furrowed your brows as you thought deeply. "Depends on how strict the rules are, I suppose." You answered simply.

He walked over to you and looked at you with a bemused expression. "How do you mean?"

"I mean... It's not like I'm horrible, I've never done anything inexplicably awful but I've had my moments where I could've been a better person... That and, if it wasn't obvious, I didn't exactly worship." You said looking up at him, running a hand through your hair and shrugged your shoulders. Your lips then formed a tight, fake smile that lasted maybe a second before your expression fell. "Not that it matters now... Right?"

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