Chapter 25

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"Lucy, my good fellow!" Alastor chirped. Sporting an impossibly wide smile, but not exactly happy. "Thank you for keeping my seat warm. To what do I owe this visit?"

Lucifers grin softened to a smile as he stretched his arms out in front of him, then proceeded to casually adjust the placement of pens and papers on the desk as if he owned it. Mostly as a display of dominance and power, but, also just to get on Alastor's nerves.

"I was in the neighborhood." He started, not even making much eye contact with the stag as he walked his fingers along the desktop, feeling the smoothness of the cherry red stained wood. "Thought I'd stop by and see how my daughters little project was going."

"Hmm. Well as you can see this is my office, Charlie's is downstairs. Not to worry Lucy it's an honest mistake, but thanks for stopping by! Tell Lilith I said hello-"

Lucifers chuckle silenced the stag, causing him to glare at the pompous king before him. His eyes narrowed and his smile tight, practically curling his toes into the floorboards in agitation as he tried to maintain decorum. He didn't loathe the King of Pride, but, he certainly wasn't a huge fan of his company either. But with the way he was acting -and with Alastor sneaking to and from Hell to see you- it certainly filled the deer man with a sense of dread. He knew better than to assume this was just Lucifer dropping by to shoot the breeze. No, this felt like a confrontation.

But it wasn't Al's first rodeo when it came to lying.

'Take a breath, you're fine.' He thought. 'You've weaseled your way out of much more stressful situations.'

"I already saw my daughter when I arrived. She mentioned you would be returning to work somewhere around this time." He explained, standing up from the chair and glancing around the office space. "You offered your assistance in helping her run this place, huh?"

Alastor eyed the king as he sauntered about the room, as he himself walked over to his desk. Arms folded behind his back as he stood straight and tall. Towering over Lucifer with ease, however, he knew better than to start an altercation with another powerful entity. Especially a royal.

"I wanted to see how it would all work out here, yes! And what better way to witness a sinners downfall than to have a front row seat?" He beamed, using his eccentric and dramatic charm. "Helping her run the establishment was too tempting of an idea, I just had to offer my assistance."

"You're not interested in helping sinners reform?" Lucifer hummed.

"Don't be ridiculous." He chuckled. "I think you and I both know that won't happen. However I won't turn down an opportunity to watch the more loathsome ones struggle."

"So you were just bored, then? Seeing as you don't care to actually help."

"I'm sure you're aware of the monotony that is eternity." Alastor explained, adjusting his monocle. "When I saw Charlie's fiasco on the news some months ago it was a breath of fresh air! I just couldn't resist."

Lucifer nodded, thinking quietly as his smile stayed ever present on his face. Pacing about the office, eyes panning on the floor. Leaving room for silence that filled the air, so quiet the buck could hear his own heart beating. "Are you growing bored here as well?" He asked suddenly. Alastor furrowed a brow and cocked his head to the side, curious as to what the fallen angel in front of him was implying. Dreading the worst, but, hoping for the best.

"Not necessarily," he mused lowly. "It's a slow start seeing as everything is still a work in progress before we may allow patients to check in. But I trust that shall change in due time. Why do you ask, my good fellow?"

"My daughter says you seem distracted." He chuckled. Finally looking up and meeting Al's gaze. The look in his eyes was one of pure intrigue, and a hint of mischief. It was a look Al was familiar with, however, he was more used to seeing it in the mirror. To see another demon display such an expression to him with such earned confidence was a bit jarring. But he wouldn't dare show it.

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