Chapter 61

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Panic attack/anxiety attack. Proceed with caution.)

"Ooo!!" Jess squealed as she walked through the threshold of your home. "Haven't had a sleepover with you in a while!! I'm so excited."

"Yeah..." you said. Forcing a smile as you shut the door behind your friend. "It sure has been a while."

"Al still sore you're making him sleep on the couch so we can have the bedroom?" She asked with a smirk.

"Actually he said he's relieved to have a night where he can sprawl out comfortably." You gestured to the long sofa which already had some throw blankets and a couple pillows ready to go, even if it was only seven in the evening and he was far from tired yet.

"As you can see he's already set up for the night." You added.

"Awh he made himself a little demon nest, that's so cute."

You winced at the word demon as it fell from her lips.


It had taken a couple weeks, but by luck Alastor had managed to find a way to rid her mind of the knowledge she possessed that inadvertently damned her. Doing so would incline that she'd have little memory of that whole day she found out, and leaves you and Al to fill in the blanks and replace it with false memories.

Doing so also required a bit of an odd preparation, Alastor had formulated a cocktail of ingredients that would render her almost unconscious- but not quite completely. Similar to how you were when your ex had drugged you, she would be in what Al called a twilight state. Awake, but not entirely aware. Bringing her down to a level where he could access her subconscious with better ease.

You and him devised a plan to have her drink from a glass and give her the impression that it was wine. Needless to say, you didn't exactly feel great about tricking your friend and drugging her. You especially hated the possibility of never seeing her again once you had passed on. But you put your own selfish desires aside...

This was tough, but, subjecting her to unwarranted misery just so you would have your bestie in Hell was something you would never forgive yourself for.

In the meantime you had been taking it easy and tried to focus on your health. You had made a call to your manager Tony and regretfully informed him that you weren't doing shoots 'for a while' so that you could 'focus on recovering your health'. In actuality it was because September was around the corner now, and you knew the sands in your hourglass were running out. And although you didn't have much say in your demise, dying in a plane crash is not how you wanted it to happen.

No more extensive traveling, and no reckless behavior that could otherwise result in a rather painful end in this realm. In a way, it felt like a part of you was already dead and gone. Now it was just down to tying loose ends and seeking closure.

You'd think being mentally prepared would make things easier to deal with. But no... Ignorance truly was bliss, in this case...

"I'll bring your stuff up to the room, here-" you offered, carefully removing the heavy duffle bag from off your friends back. "Christ dude, did you pack this thing with rocks?"

"Just the essentials," she said. "My overnight stuff. Plus all my skincare products. And hair-care. And makeup. And extra clothes."

"I think I'm more impressed at how you managed to fit your whole life in this one bag," you chuckled. "Help yourself to some wine, I got a bottle out and ready on the coffee table. I'll be back down in a minute."

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