(Story Update)

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Hello readers, this is a story status/idea update which involves the Hiigaran fleet in this story. I have finally come up with new more Hiigaran sounding names for the fleet and ships. (FYI the names I've picked are derived from the ancient Kharakid language that has somewhat been incorporated into the Hiigaran's current language.)

The Fleet: (Old) Ascended Justice - (New) Kuun-Lan "Purifying Flame." (This name was also given to the Somtaaw Explorer Class Mining Ship Kuun-Lan, featured in Homeworld Cataclysm.)

The Carrier: (Old) Apollo - (New) Corum-Jiin "Wayfarer of Worlds."

Destroyer (Old) Arbalest - (New) Viin-Cal. (The name of the Kharakian God of Hunters)

Destroyer (Old) Espadon - (New) Sajuuk-Cor "Sajuuk's Wrath." (This name was given to an ancient Hiigaran flagship that housed the Second Hyperspace Core and led the ancient Hiigaran fleet in an assault on Taiidani worlds before the events of Homeworld 1. This name was also the moniker for the Taiidani Ion Frigate.)

Missile Destroyer (Old) Vardenfel - (New) San-Sam't "Seeking Swarms." (Sam't was the name given to a sidestepping swarmer insect native to the Dry Seas of Kharak. It's also the codename of the Gaalsien Sandskimmer featured in Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak.)

Ion Frigate Group: J'niira-Jun "Hollower of Worlds."

Assault Frigate Group: Cor-Akadath "Wrathful Victory."

Multi-gun Corvette Squad: (Old) Veil - (New) Cor-Dim "Wrathful People."

Bomber Squad: "(Old) Nova - (New) Kuun-Dim "Purifying People."

Cloak Fighter Squad: (Old) Dagger - (New) Faal-Dim "Silent People."

I've also come up with some new ideas for Hiigaran dialogue.

Kuun-Sa "Purifying Leader," will now be the title spoken when addressing the Fleet Commander (AKA you) instead of using "sir." Similar titles will be spoken when addressing squad leaders like so: Faal-Sa "Silent Leader," or when addressing the captains of ships like so: San-Sa "Seeking leader."

The available Kharakid words with known translations are very few in number and some of them did not really flow together in certain combinations, so I apologize if the chosen names seem a bit repetitive. These changes will be implemented in the next released part and from then on. I will soon also make the changes to all already published parts. I do hope these changes are to everyone's liking.


This is the link to my source for the Old Kharakid. Feel free to take a look.

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