Castle Crashers

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Espadon and Arbalest fly ahead of the fleet and are instantly met with a hail of purple lasers from the coastal defense guns and neighboring ships. The Siren's greeting is returned with crimson lasers and mass driver cannons, mostly aimed at the turrets built upon the cliffs of ice and Siren structures. As the destroyers obliterate the defense guns, the Ion Frigates close in to engage the ships that are occupied with the destroyers. The frigates unleash their red-hot lances and multiple Siren ships are cut into pieces and sink uselessly to the bottom. One surface ship is struck by a laser that slices into its bow directly below a main gun, igniting the main magazine, and engulfing it in a violent purple explosion. A main turret of the Siren ship is launched skyward and comes crashing back down onto a defense gun, completely crushing it with sheer speed and weight. 

Espadon: "Remember to stay out of the range of those cannons mounted on the fortress itself! Don't want to get blown to pieces by that kind of firepower!"

Ion Frigate Crew: "INCOMING!!"

An Ion frigate is struck with missiles from a backup squad of Siren fighters that launched from within the fortress. As the craft fly past the frigate in an attempt to get distance for another run, they are gunned down by Dagger Squad who has been relentlessly hunting all strike craft that did not partake in the earlier skirmish. A Support Frigate moves next to the Ion Frigate and begins fixing the damages to the ion field generator which was struck by a few missiles that got past the armor.

Support Frigate Captain: "We've got you covered for any damages!"

Ion Frigate Captain: "Much appreciated! We aren't of much use in a fight without that generator!"

Arbalest: "Commander, we are mopping up the last defense guns at the southeastern side of the base! This area will be completely cleared in about a minute!"

Y/N: "Perfect! De'Rieves, prep Nova for launch! Dagger, keep up the anti-strike craft coverage! Veil, form a Sphere Formation around the bombers! Nova, form a Wall Formation once clear of the fighter bay! Your objective is to destroy the anti-capital ship guns on the fortress! Move through the southeast side of the base and commence your attack!

Nova 1: "Roger that sir! Those guns won't stand a chance against us!"

Nova and Veil race away from the carrier and journey above the smoldering wrecks of costal guns and Siren ships. The cannons on the fortress open up on the approaching Hiigaran craft in a desperate attempt to stop them. However, with them being designed to destroy capital ships, Nova and Veil are able to dodge and weave out of the firing lines. To counteract this, a reserve squad of Siren fighters is deployed from an internal hangar on the northwestern side and crests over the icy peak of the fortress racing straight at the bombers.

Ray: "Veil, Siren craft approaching fast!! Twelve o-clock high!!"

Veil 1: "We see them! Engaging now!"

Veil breaks from their Sphere Formation around Nova and ascends to meet the fighters. The Sirens fire first and most of Veil is forced to tank the missiles or maneuver and risk being vaporized by the heavy cannons. The corvettes return fire, but the gunners are having trouble tracking targets due to their pilots taking constant evasive action. As the corvettes draw the Siren's attention, the bombers have made progress toward the cannons and are within firing range. Nova unleashes a devastating volley of plasma, destroying a few cannons and reducing the onslaught of inaccurate but powerful lasers. Chatter from the corvettes indicates they are having a tough time dealing with the fighters and dodging certain doom all at once. "Huffs These fighters are harder to hit than I remember!" "Well, I am having to evade a laser every other second! Maybe that has something to do with it!" "Argh my ship can't take much more of this punishment!"

Taiidani Usurpers to Siren Liberators | Azur Lane x HomeworldWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu