Going Gravedigging Pt. 2

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As the Junkyard Dog exits the Hyperspace Gate, you find it increasingly difficult to contain your unrivaled fury. Images of the ship your so torn up about play through your head: The name, S'Jet's Sentinel, and your sister's smiling face. Flashes of those cursed moments where your sister's destroyer is caught by the Dog and dragged back to the Hyperspace Gate, Fleet COMMs to her ship cut off by the Junkyard Dog's jamming array. You pleaded repeatedly to the senior officers to mount a rescue mission, but they shut it down, saying they would not waste more ships and their crew all for the off chance the S'Jet's Sentinel could be saved. They did however promise that the officer who issued the order to the destroyer would be severely punished. You certainly made sure he suffered, which involved a broken jaw, three snapped ribs, and a twisted leg.

Thankfully for the sake of your fleet, you are an excellent commander, calming rather quickly after the episode had passed. This skill, which was one of the most critical for a commander to learn was do not let feelings control judgment. As the one who's word is final in a fleet, irrational "plans" created by emotionally blinded commanders normally swiftly result in their fleet's destruction.

Y/N: "All ships, hold your positions and await the signal to begin attack. Fleet COMM Control, halt and shut down the Decoy Frigate's engines to force the Junkyard Dog to us."

The Dog quickly closes distance with the frigate, opening its claws, ready to snatch away another defenseless ship. You know that it is still within the Prox Sensors detection range which render's its own inferior sensors array useless because it has a very short range. The Junkyard Dog latches onto the inactive frigate and its engines flare up to move back to the Hyperspace Gate.

Y/N: "All ships, the Dog has fallen into our trap! Engage and obliterate it!!"


Arbalest: "Let's turn this autonomous bitch into space scrap! FOR ALL THE SOULS IT'S CONDEMNED HERE!"


The Junkyard Dog is immediately slammed with lasers and heavy mass driver cannons from the Destroyers as swarm missiles pepper the heavily armored hull. The line of Ion Frigates lights up crimson as they open fire, and the Assault Frigates hit the target with medium kinetic guns and anti-frigate plasma bombs. Taking heavy fire, the Junkyard Dog unlatches from the decoy and turns towards the main fleet. It's engines fire on all afterburners as it races towards one of the capital ships.

Y/N: "That bastard has thicker armor than our destroyers! Dagger, prioritize the Prox Sensors! Cut off it's source of enhanced sensor data! Nova, target it's engines! You need to slow it down as much as possible to buy the main fleet time to cut through the heavy armor! Veil, fire at the Dog's personal sensor array! We need to blind it completely to keep the main fleet safe!"

Squadrons: "ROGER!!"

Dagger 1: "Come on Dagger, push your engines into overdrive! We need to destroy these Proxies ASAP! Dagger 2, 5, 9 go after the three strong group on the left! 3, 7, 11 engage the group on the right! Divide and conquer boys!"

Nova 1: "The Dog is targeting Destroyer Espadon! Ion Frigates, see if you can change firing angle and help us with destroying the engines! We need all the firepower we can get to keep Espadon safe!"

Dagger 1: "Dagger here, half of the Proxies are gone! Continuing attack!"

Veil 1: "Veil reporting! The sensors array is gone! The Junkyard Dog has to rely on the Prox Sensors now! Resuming attack!"

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