Infiltrating the Crimson Axis

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The day has progressed into the evening with the sun soon to set. Through hostile waters, the six maids tasked with a very important assignment sail, with Sheffield taking lead in the formation. At flank speed, and with the Sacred Sakura Tree in the distance, they brace themselves for their operation in the CA's own backyard. AL recon plane patrols have been shadowing the maids since they entered SE controlled waters. A few CA patrols have been sighted, but none within close proximity to the maids. Shangri-la, the dispatcher of those recon flights, was out on a scouting mission in the area and was able to lend them surveillance support.

Shangri-la: "Alright, that's about all the air cover I can give. You are about twenty nautical miles from the Sakura Empire base. Their patrols and aerial coverage will increase significantly, and it would be too dangerous to maneuver my planes any closer."

Hermione: "Many thanks Shangri-la

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Hermione: "Many thanks Shangri-la. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. With your eyes in the sky, can you give us any information on the layout of their base?"

Shangri-la: "From my understanding, your objectives are to find the Black Wisdom Cube, sabotage their infrastructure, and find information on their deployments and R&D

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Shangri-la: "From my understanding, your objectives are to find the Black Wisdom Cube, sabotage their infrastructure, and find information on their deployments and R&D. From what my planes can see from this far away, there are what look like storage tanks and facilities on the northern section of the harbor. I can see antennas connected to a rather large building. That should be the communications facility. It is a short distance from the harbor, on the southeastern side of the island. However, I don't see anything that looks like it would contain the Black Wisdom Cube. I am also seeing a ton of ships in the harbor, mainly Iron Blood and Sakura Empire, but there's also a good number that matches Vichya Dominion and Sardegna Empire designs. Be very careful when sneaking in, because practically the entire Crimson Axis Alliance is here. The only viable way into the base seems to be through the harbor and the small beachhead that surrounds it. The rest of the island is naturally defended by jagged rocks and impassable cliffs. Thats all the information I can give you. I have to keep moving and scout other areas. Good luck Royal Maids."

Hermione: "Understood. Thanks again for the help. Commencing radio silence."

Abiding by the need for radio silence, instead of radioing her fellow maids to switch their ships to rigging, one of Hermione's spotlights sends a visual signal to the others. Despite the sun not having disappeared behind the horizon, the spotlight's brilliant flash immediately catches the attention of the other five maids. Recognizing the sequence, the six ships all shatter into wisdom cubes and reform into riggings on the backs of the maids. With the transformation complete, they hit the surface of the ocean, ready to begin the mission.

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