New Objective: ESCAPE

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(Alright, I know I told you guys that I had returned and was getting back into the writing flow. That was a half-truth. The main issues are my current flight training and college starting back up. These two activities have taken up quite a portion of my available time. However, I still have full intent to finish this story and new parts will keep coming. My apologies for the delays guys.)

Also, happy 5th Anniversary my fellow Azur Lane players!

Alarms blare across the SE home base, alerting every CA member on site to the presence of AL intruders. Those who were turning in for the evening hastily prepare themselves and race out of their abodes while those given patrol duty summon their riggings and begin setting up perimeters in the surrounding waters, hellbent on not letting the six strong maid stealth force get away. The two duos and one trio make certain to avoid CA personnel wherever possible by weaving between alternating alleys and moving down pathways more obscured by nature and buildings. With their cover blown, radio silence has been lifted.

Sheffield: "Sheffield here! Report status!"

Sirius: "Dido and I are making our way down to the docks now! We got some good information from the communications center!"

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Sirius: "Dido and I are making our way down to the docks now! We got some good information from the communications center!"

Hermione: "Hermione reporting! We're moving to the port section as well, but there's a ton of CA personnel between us and the port! We are taking any back alley available to avoid them!"

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Hermione: "Hermione reporting! We're moving to the port section as well, but there's a ton of CA personnel between us and the port! We are taking any back alley available to avoid them!"

Hermione: "Hermione reporting! We're moving to the port section as well, but there's a ton of CA personnel between us and the port! We are taking any back alley available to avoid them!"

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