Confrontation at the Ruins Pt. 3

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The battle for the ruined settlement and the maids trapped within continues to rage on, both in the air as planes fall from the sky as fireballs due to anti air fire or being gunned down by other aircraft, and on the water with shells flying between both fleets as near silent killers known as torpedoes lurk beneath the waves. Utilizing the chaos of the battle to their advantage, a small Azur Lane force circumvents the battlespace, seeking to avoid getting caught up in the fight so they can help get the maids in hiding out of the abandoned settlement. This force consisting of Belfast, Gloucester, Clevelad (No, I'm not sorry), Columbia, Montpelier, and Denver races through the water, counting on the fog to help obscure them and the battle to keep their adversaries occupied. The sounds of gunfire, explosions, and whining of plane engines bounce off and between the ruined buildings like how a cave produces echoes, a constant reminder to the group that their allies are buying precious time to get the maids out from behind enemy lines.

Cleveland: "We'd better hurry and find Sheffield's group fast. Even though the rest of the Azur Lane is keeping most of the Crimson Axis occupied, we know that Ironblood is primarily focusing on finding our infiltration team."

Gloucester: "Agreed

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Gloucester: "Agreed. Time is of the essence. We can only hope that no nuisances get in our way. And if they do, that we can get past them quickly."

The group sails onward through the flooded streets of the old settlement, the decrepit ruins and the grey overtone of the bleak foggy day being eerie enough, not at all helped by the echoes of distant battle

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The group sails onward through the flooded streets of the old settlement, the decrepit ruins and the grey overtone of the bleak foggy day being eerie enough, not at all helped by the echoes of distant battle. The group is constantly reminded of the Ironblood's presence when a scout plane flies over or they are forced to evade a patrol searching for the maid infiltration team. As the recovery team presses onwards, they are suddenly met with the sound of a plane engine and a certain horn that sends shivers down everyone's spine. From the low cloud ceiling comes a Stuka dive bomber, it's Jericho siren screaming as it races right at the team, bomb payload ready to drop. (Before you say it, I know there were no naval Stuka bombers, but the Ironblood has it in-game. Just bear with me ok?) Montpelier's eyes dart up to the plane as soon as it appears from the low cloud ceiling, eyes narrowed in annoyance.

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