A Plan of Espionage

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(Sorry for such a delay on additions to the story. Finals this semester have begun and I have dedicated a LOT of time toward them. Finals last until next week and once they do end, I will be back to building new chapters every week. Once again sorry for such a delay and I look forward to getting back on track with creating this story soon. Enjoy!)

Pearl Harbor: The Azur Lane's designated base, home of the EU, RN, IL combined fleet, and the forefront of the war against the CA and the Sirens. The sun shines brilliantly through the nearly cloud free skies, across the bustling island base, and through the Pacific Ocean's waters. The water surrounding the harbor is packed with transports bringing goods for trade and to supply the base's personnel, escorted by both mass-produced vessels and Shipgirls given the important role of keeping supply lanes open. Some prefer this line of usually peaceful escort work while others were hoping to get a more direct role in the war.

Beagle: "Ah, it's such a nice day for escorting convoys. The seas are calm, the weather is perfect, and no Siren meanies tried to harm us and the goods we were guarding. It's like there is no war going on at all."

Oklahoma: "While I do enjoy a calm day every once in a while, I'm a battleship

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Oklahoma: "While I do enjoy a calm day every once in a while, I'm a battleship. My ship is built for bombarding and blasting enemies to dust, not slowing convoys down with my barely reputable speed and massive hull."

Beagle: "Well many convoy routes have now supposedly been infested with Sirens, so that's likely why more battleships are being called for escort duty

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Beagle: "Well many convoy routes have now supposedly been infested with Sirens, so that's likely why more battleships are being called for escort duty."

Oklahoma: "Yeah, but as you said, we didn't see a single Siren. Not even a recon plane. It's like their all hiding from something... At this rate, my cannons might start rusting."

Pearl Harbor has been given a plethora of renovations. Many new defenses line the outer posts of the harbor as a result of the SE surprise attack and to act as a deterrent to any future attacks. The markets and economic hub have also undergone much revision, along with members from factions other than the EU now being posted here, resulting in the port becoming far livelier and prosperous. Most notably, a great increase in dorms for Shipgirls and floating docks connecting them to the island via bridges to house the now massive fleet stationed here. A scouting fleet of RN ships moors in their respective docks after an uneventful mission to check a distant sector for any hostile activity.

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