A Break from Soldiering

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In the Apollo's war room, where officers can go to think and discuss strategies and tactics you stand silently, overlooking a holographic table displaying the DE's territory and the strength of Siren forces occupying the region, thinking up a plan of attack for the next mission. Specifically focusing on the three barrier islands housing Siren outposts that effectively lock down the DE naval base. Off to the side, a report detailing the progress of research into Siren ship designs and technology. Whilst thinking up a strategy that would best fit the scenario presented before you, the door connecting the war room to one of the many hallways of the carrier opens, revealing Ray on the other side, cup of coffee in hand.

Ray: "Still thinking up a plan for the next mission sir?"

Y/N: "Yes. We performed well during our last battle with the Sirens and dealt a serious blow, but they will recover. We need to keep up the momentum."

Ray enters the room and stands next to you, overlooking the holographic map, the scent of his coffee slowly filling the room.

Ray: "It's true we did hit the Sirens very hard in the last engagement and they will recover. But until then, they likely won't be making any moves against us or the Azur Lane."

Y/N: "Are you suggesting something?"

Ray: "I'm saying you should take advantage of this lull in activity and get some R&R."

Y/N: "I'll sleep when I'm dead."

Ray: "We both know you need a clear head to win a war. Fleet Command didn't effectively manage our return to Hiigara without some form of rest and neither will you in this conflict. If you don't need sleep, rather don't want sleep, then at least take a mental break from strategizing. Just walk the halls or talk to the crew. I'm sure it would do them well to hold a conversation with you that doesn't involve a mission."

Considering Ray's request, you back away from the holo-table. The strategist in you wants to keep up the pressure on the Sirens so they can't reorganize. However, the Hiigaran in you does agree that it would do good to give the crews a little rest. The people in military forces need time to step away from being soldiers and take some time to just be people. Conceding to Ray's wishes and turning to him, you relay the last order until you return to the ongoing war on the surface.

Y/N: "Raymond, send a message to the whole fleet. That all wartime duties are suspended until further notice. Tell them to take some time for themselves and let their minds relax. Once you do that, get some rest yourself."

Happy that he's managed to convince you, Ray stands at attention with a smile on his face.

Ray: "Yes sir."

Ray turns and exits the war room, headed for the bridge to give the order. You exit shortly after, heading in the opposite direction, deciding to just aimlessly roam the halls for a while. Coming to an intersection, the signs on the walls giving directions to different sections of the carrier. The hall on the left leading to the mess hall, the center hallway continuing towards the engineering section, and the right going to the fighter hangar control tower. After a moment of pause, you take a right towards the fighter bay tower. Coming to a stop at the door, it opens shortly after you swipe your ID card into the terminal. Inside the tower, De'Rieves is reviewing a document on a tablet while two other tower personnel manage activities within the hangar. Hearing the door open, the three turn to face you and stand at attention.

Tower Senior Officer: "Commander on deck!"

De'Rieves: "Hello sir."

Y/N: "At ease officers. Just here on whim."

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