Catching up with the Crew

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Within the Apollo the crews are taking time from being soldiers and relaxing with their fellow crewmates. The crews of the other ships within the fleet are also taking time for themselves. The fleet sits in high orbit over the planet as the conflict below escalates. Unknown to Ascended Justice, the fleets of the Azur Lane and Crimson Axis converge in a battle, the outcome of which will decide the fate of the maid infiltration team that acquired the black wisdom cube. But come on, let the Hiigaran's have some time to be people instead of soldiers too!

In an officer's lounge on the Apollo, you sit with your three trusted helmsmen as you all talk and reminisce over past experiences and missions undertaken as a fleet. The four of you sit and talk, going over the good times and many close calls you've had, along with some funny or random stuff that happened on deployment. Ray is currently talking about a past deployment alongside a Kiith Manaan fleet to deal with a particularly annoying Turanic Raider outpost. De' Rieves stands to fix himself a beverage while listening to Ray's story. He stands over a counter as he mixes the ingredients for a cocktail.

Ray: Laughs heartily "And then, this one random raider calls out over an open COMMs channel about how he's going to personally crush our entire fleet with a single thought and how he will then do the same to Hiigara. Then in the background there's just a massive crash followed by more commotion. Right after that I hear the commander of the Manaan fleet sigh over radio. I swear that raider had to be on something strong."

De' Rieve's: "Those raiders have always been quite the characters. You just never know what kind of dumb crap they are going to do."

Ray: "Some of the funniest stuff I've ever heard on active deployment. But I will never forget how close we got to that asteroid on our last deployment before this one."

Ray gives an accusing look to Jen with a grin on his face, now that the moment is well behind them finding humor in it. De' Rieves pauses in making his cocktail and turns around to grin at Jen as well. You turn your head to look at Jen with an amused expression plastered on your face. Jen huffs in response, knowing exactly what's coming.

Jen: "Oh come on... Just let it go already!"

De' Rieves: "You know very well Ray can't do that. This man hates it when people don't pay attention to his sensor data. He isn't afraid to lay into you over COMMs even with the rest of the fleet listening in." 

Y/N: "And you remember very well how pissed he was when he saw you nearly slam this carrier into that asteroid. Consider yourself lucky that he saved most of it until afterward. Still though I think, 'Drives Officer Jenssen kindly maneuver us away from that drifting asteroid,' for the whole fleet to hear is pretty embarrassing on its own."

Ray turns to you with a more curious look replacing his amused one, questioning you for your attitude during the situation.

Ray: "To be honest, I'm still surprised by how seeming nonchalant you were. With you being the commander, I'd have expected you to be the most livid."

Y/N: "Well I knew that you would handle the berating part for me Raymond."

You give a little smirk and shoot a side glance to Ray. He rolls his eyes in response and scoffs while waving a hand in your direction. Seeing how she's no longer under fire Jen decides to get involved.

Jen: "You just got to accept the fact he is much more reasonable than you are Ray."

Ray shoots an unamused look to Jen, realizing that he is now under fire a bit.

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