War Plan and First Strike

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An absolute wealth of information about the entire conflict down on the surface of this planet has been flowing in, thanks to the well-trained intelligence officers and code breakers of Ascended Justice. Everything from base locations and top-secret projects to force compositions and movements. This conflict is indeed favoring the Crimson Axis side thanks in no small part to the Siren intervention. We know of two Azur Lane factions that have for sure been deadlocked by the Sirens, them being the Northern Parliament and Dragon Empery. The best data we have available suggests that the Dragon Empery has been contained on their base by a multitude of Siren bases and outposts, whereas the Northern Parliament has a massive fortress of ice to deal with. A strategy meeting has been called among the officers on Apollo to decide which faction to free up first.

Ray: "Sir, all senior personnel accounted for. We are ready to draft up our warfare plan."

Raymond, Jenssen, De'Reives, and the rest of the bridge crew gather around a sophisticated wartime projection console, displaying the entire planet as a complete 3D model thanks to our terrain scanners. Differently colored flashing dots appear, each with its own set of text, representing the major factions and their HQs. The only ones missing are the Sirens. Thanks to their advanced tech compared to the factions, our intelligence personnel are running into minor difficulties digging up info, but updates are coming in. Thank Sajuuk Siren cyber security is not as sophisticated as the Taiidani's.

Y/N: "As you are all aware, we have arrived at a planet that is embroiled in a large-scale civil war, while the real threat lies behind the scenes pulling strings. The Sirens have rooted their influence deep in the Crimson Axis and convinced them to fight against the Azur Lane, the latter who were once their allies. Since we have shown the Sirens that we are a severe threat to their operation they will likely focus their resources on eliminating us. With the factions showing no signs of willing cooperation, it falls to us to unite the Azur Lane and Crimson Axis again then obliterate the Siren menace. However, two of the Azur Lane factions have been deadlocked by the Sirens in an attempt to contain them. Our first objective is to free these two factions. Once we break the strangleholds on them, we can then focus on uprooting the Siren influence on the Crimson Axis. We need to select which faction to assist before anything else."

The 3D projection of the planet divides into two displays, the first detailing the Dragon Empery's territory. Three red blips are displayed on separate islands placed in ideal locations for blockading the faction from friendly waters. Multiple lines of text appear next to each base listing Siren force compositions at each of the outposts. The second display shows the Northern Parliament HQ and a big red triangle dead center in a small ocean, blocking this faction from exiting their own borders. A long paragraph shows all detectable Siren defenses and patrolling ships, classifying the triangle as a complete Siren Fortress.

Y/N: "Time we focus on the obstacles that we will have to overcome. We need to choose which one to target first because the Sirens will take steps to reinforce the one we do not strike, so we should choose carefully. Multiple sensor probes we dispatched have given a good amount of data on the targets and their defenses. The Dragon Empery is blockaded by three separate bases, which do not feature nearly as much security as the Ice Fortress in Northern Parliament territory. Now is the time to offer your suggestions."

Power Output Officer: "Perhaps the three bases surrounding the Dragon Empery should be our first target. We would be able to gauge the Sirens capabilities more without placing the fleet in serious danger."

Construction Officer: "Yes, it would keep the fleet out of immediate danger, but the risk of the Sirens upgrading their weaponry at the fortress is far more imposing. They would gather more info about our capabilities, then adjust their weapons and tactics to better counter us. I think we should destroy the fortress first."

Taiidani Usurpers to Siren Liberators | Azur Lane x HomeworldWhere stories live. Discover now