Naruto remained silent a bit more. "I don't know," he finally answered. "I don't have an answer."

He doesn't have an answer... you thought and closed your eyes as you let the chakra flow going to your ears stop. But you already have the gift, Naruto... you opened your eyes and turned your head toward the sky. The gift to bring people together, even if they don't get along. "Unlike me."

Naruto was a jinchuuriki, and you a member of the Akatsuki. There was no way you'd be able to accomplish peace like this. People won't trust a criminal... even if I'm not in the bingo book, I'm still a member of the Akatsuki. Shinobi only trust those from their own village... and don't even bother to consider those beyond the boundaries of a village or an allegiance. In fact, even an allegiance might not work at times. There's so much distrust in this world... distrust, misunderstanding, hatred, war... it has to stop.

You turned back to Naruto and Tendo only to see Naruto being nailed onto the ground by more rods on his hands, arms, abdomen, thighs and knee bends. Your eyes widened and the remaining frog began to yell at Naruto. Once it finished, Tendo blew her away with the Almighty Push.

"You bastard!" Naruto shouted.

Tendo turned his attention toward Naruto and held his hand out toward him. Just then, a girl you remembered ran toward Tendo and brought her hand down onto him. He jumped out of the way and her attack collided with the ground beside Naruto. She looked at Naruto and then at Tendo.

"I won't let you hurt Naruto anymore!" she declared.

"Why did you come out here? Just run!" Naruto ordered. "You can't win!"

Your eyes widened as she talked to him. Her explanation, her words, her actions... "Because, I love you. I always will."

She got in a fighting stance that you had been warned about. Of course, she's a Hyuga. The gentle fist. She glared at Pein before rotating on her foot 180 degrees and removing the rods from Naruto's body. Pein pushed her away but she got up and went for it again. Before she could destroy another of the rods, Pein blew her away once more.

"Hinata!" Naruto yelled. She got up once more and stood in a fighting stance. Blue chakra in the shape of lions formed around her fists. She ran at Tendo and engaged in a taijutsu style battle with him but was unable to land a blow.

"She should just out of there while she has the chance," you thought out loud and watched her fight on. She got him once. Your eyes widened and you looked back over your shoulder. Nagato, something must be happening. His control over Tendo... it faltered.

"HINATA!" Naruto yelled. You drew your attention back to the battle and saw Hinata lying on the ground. "Hinata! Hinata! Hey! Damn it! Hinata!" Naruto... I have to do something. But... what? If I get in the way, Naruto might get loose and attack me. Who knows and Leader might try to lock me up or knock me out, send Konan for me, and possibly lock me up. Hinata slowly got up only to crash down again. But she didn't give up, she tried again finally stood, taking wobbly steps toward Naruto. She fell once more and crawled the rest of the way to Naruto until she was finally able to grab the rod on his hands.

"She's trying her hardest to save Naruto," you murmured. Everything was muffled out as Tendo sent her flying into the air only to slam her down on the ground seconds later. A cloud of dust surrounded Hinata as she landed in front of Tendo. Your eyes widened as you saw Tendo bring a rod through Hinata's stomach.

"Why...?" your body shook slightly. A large explosion burst out and you stumbled backwards onto your back. You sat up, leaning on your elbows, and looked at where Naruto, Tendo, and Hinata were. There was a beam of dark red chakra going towards the sky from Naruto. "That chakra... the nine tails."

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