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Hello everyone :)

I know it's been awhile almost a year since I've updated this book. Truth be told I've had so much going on and happen within these past months I've never really had anytime.

I wanted to get a little deep. My mental health took a big toll last fall. I entered an extremely abusive relationship and felt trapped. I was alone for many months struggling with this.

However, the story has a happy ending, I was able to work up the courage and leave. With that I made new friends and I've entered a new relationship with someone who actually loves and respects me.

That period of time made me lose all motivation to do anything including write. But now I wish to gain that motivation.

As for the future of this page and my books. I'm just not sure. Life has gotten so busy I just don't have time. I'll try my best to think of something to write for you all.

I appreciate all the comments you guys leave on my stories, they still warm me to this day.

Thank you so much,

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