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Y/N and Taehyun have been best friends for years. They did everything together.

Recently, a new student had arrived at the university the pair attended. The new student's name was Kim Chaewon and she was a beautiful black haired girl.

She ended up being in three of Taehyun's classes and one of Y/N's.

But as time went on, Taehyun found himself developing a crush on the girl. Of course he told Y/N since she was his best friend.

Now, Y/N has never had any romantic feelings towards Taehyun. But when he told her the news of his new crush, she felt this sudden sting in her heart. She didn't understand why she was experiencing this.

"I really like her a lot, but I don't know how I should confess to her,"Taehyun sighed as he rubbed his temple.

Y/N felt sorry for her friend, so she immediately agreed to help him. "I can help with your crush. Just leave everything to me."

"Thank you so much Y/N. You're a life savor,"he smiled before the signal that lunch was over sounded. "Well I have to go to class,"he packed up his stuff. "See ya!"

Y/N waved and said goodbye.

The whole rest of the day Y/N planned out the perfect way for Taehyun and Chaewon to get together. But every time she thought about them, the same stinging feeling returned.

The next day:
It was now Saturday which meant no classes. Y/N had invited Taehyun to her dorm to discuss all the plans she had conjured up.

"Okay so here's what I'm thinking, on Monday you ask Chaewon to go out with you to dinner. You take her to a nice restaurant and get to know each other more. And then hopefully you two end up dating,"
Y/N smirked proud of her plan.

Taehyun stared blankly at her. "You're dumb."


"What if I choke up and can't speak to her? Then what am I going to do Y/N?"Taehyun crossed his arms.

"Well to be fair mister I don't see you coming up with any bright ideas."

"Actually I have."

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Oh really like what?"

"I was thinking about taking her to the drive in movie next Friday."

Y/N burst out laughing. "It's gonna rain! And you say I'm dumb." She continued to laugh as Taehyun grabbed a pillow and wacked her up side the head with it.

"Focus Y/N this is serious,"Taehyun whined as Y/N's giggles died down.

"Okay okay I'm sorry. How about ear piece?"

"An ear piece?"

"Yeah I'll be on a walkie talkie telling you what to say  and you'll have a little ear piece in your ear receiving everything I'm saying."

Taehyun liked the sound of that. "Okay sounds good."

The two stared at each other for a bit. Y/N couldn't help but admire Taehyun's features. She could feel heat rise to her cheeks. Taehyun was the first to break the silence. He grabbed the pillow he had hit Y/N with before and started a pillow fight.

The fight was full of feathers and laughter. The two got a little physical as Taehyun pushed Y/N onto the floor and hovered above her. He pinned her with his hands as the feathers danced to the floor.

The two panted slightly as Y/N began to blush at their closeness. Taehyun even blushed slightly himself and had to reassure himself that Y/N was just his friend and nothing more.

"W-we should probably clean up,"Y/N suggested as Taehyun slowly let go of her.

"Yeah you're right..."

They cleaned Y/N's dorm till it was free of feathers then went back to their regular studies.

Next Saturday:
The whole week leading up to Saturday was literal hell. Taehyun waited till Friday to ask Chaewon since his nerves kept acting up. Y/N was on a emotional roller coaster over her friend.

But Saturday had finally arrived and Y/N was currently helping Taehyun with his outfit.

"Okay I think you're ready to go. One last thing though,"he placed the small ear piece in his ear.

"Thanks Y/N I owe you a lot,"he smiled and went to pick up his date.

Taehyun and Chaewon arrived at the restaurant. It was a beautiful place filled with gold art. Y/N had already snuck her way into the restaurant and was currently hiding behind a plant.

The pair walked inside and were seated. They ordered and now the conversation needed to begin.

"Okay Taehyun ask her how's school,"Y/N whisper yelled into the walkies talkie.

"So Chaewon how's your time at our school been?"Taehyun asked nervously.

"It's been alright I guess not my favorite place,"Chaewon giggled and Taehyun smiled.

The conversation went smoothly for the most part. There were only small instances where Taehyun completely messed up and asked some random question that made Chaewon question why she even agreed to go on date with him.

But the date came to a close and Taehyun offered to drive Chaewon home.

Y/N waited anxiously at her dorm for the news. Taehyun walked in with red cheeks and a goofy grin on his face.

"What. What happened!?"Y/N asked him nervously.

"It was amazing. After I took her home we kissed outside her door and became boyfriend and girlfriend."

Y/N could feel her eyes water.

"Y/N what's wrong!?"Taehyun asked her worriedly.

"N-nothing I'm just so happy for you Tae,"she faked a smile and gave her friend a hug.

"Awe thanks Y/N. You really mean a lot to me. After all, if it wasn't for you this night wouldn't have been possible,"Taehyun hugged her back.

Y/N could only nod as she buried her face into his shoulder. She knew she couldn't ignore the feeling anymore.

Operation Taehyun is a go!

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Hello my lovely peoples! I will be making a part two to this so yeah lol. But I wanted to ask for imagine request Bc yes give me some

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