ᴀʀᴄᴀɴᴇ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ᴘᴛ.4

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Hello everyone! This is part 4 to the arcane series! There is only 1 part left then I'll finally be done! I wanted to thank everyone for over 50k views on this book, it truly means a lot!

Soobin, Taehyun, and Hueningkai had all made their way to a safer part of the Undercity. They discarded their bloody clothing before finding something else to wear. Nobody spoke, the events beforehand were a bit too much.

Finally, Soobin had enough of the silence. "We can't continue this mission. As of now I'm officially disbanding the operation."

Taehyun snapped his head over in his direction. "What? You can't do that. We've come so far-"

Soobin shook his head. "It's became too unsafe. After what happened it's clear we're dealing with a threat much larger than we can handle."

Taehyun narrowed his eyes. "She's not a threat..."

"Face it Taehyun! She is, she's evil, she works for Silco. She nearly killed us and you're still defending her!?"

"She's not evil! The Y/N I know wouldn't do this!" Taehyun yelled back at the leader.

Soobin stared at Taehyun with disbelief. Even after all they had witnessed, he couldn't seem to wrap his head around way Taehyun was still trying to protect her. "Like I said the mission is disbanded. Let's get our stuff and go home."

Taehyun grabbed Soobin's collar and yanked him forward. "You can't do this!"

Soobin had, had enough. He shoved Taehyun off of him. "Yes I can! I'm the leader, I make the rules! We're going back home now."

"We can't!"

"What about Kai!? Huh have you thought about that Taehyun? No you haven't you're still wrapped around a girl who doesn't even want you!"

Taehyun glared daggers at Soobin. "How dare you..." he stumbled over and punched him square in the face. A fight broke out between the boys before Kai came and separated the two.

"Hey hey hey no fighting!" Kai held each of their shoulders keeping them distant from each other.

Soobin wiped the blood from his nose as Taehyun wiped the blood from his lip.

"Fine...if you want to stay so badly then do the mission on your own. Come on Kai we're going back to Piltover." Soobin reached down and grabbed his bag.

Taehyun rolled his eyes. "Fine, I can do this just fine without your help."

Kai looked distraught watching his two friends part in separate directions.

Soobin stopped walking and shagged his shoulders. "Come on Kai, let's go home."

Kai gave one last look to Taehyun who was far off in the distance before reluctantly picking up his stuff and following Soobin.

"Bye Hyung..."he mumbled before Taehyun was completely out of sight.

At the docks with Y/N:

Y/N had returned to the docks in a frenzy. She threw her belongings off of her table before burying her face in her hands, sobbing.

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