ᴀʀᴄᴀɴᴇ ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ᴘᴛ.5

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Hello everyone! I can't believe this series is finally coming to a close! It's been really fun writing it and I hope you've all enjoyed reading it.

Taehyun groaned and opened his eyes to see he was strapped to a chair. He looked around to see he had been seated at a table, filled with plates, utensils, and gross looking food.

He struggled against the thick ropes binding him to his chair before a voice spoke deep in the darkness of the room.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you hehe~"

Taehyun looked up to see Y/N hanging off the chandler that was above the table. She dropped down in front of him, then walked behind him.

"Your ropes are tied to my toy." She moved in front of him. "Too much wiggling then...BOOM!" She laughed and fell back on the table.

Taehyun couldn't believe the sight in front of him. After all, it wasn't that long ago on the bridge that she was crying in his arms.

"Y/N w-what happened to you?"

Y/N eyes darted to his before he narrowed them and noticed that they were different.

"I know all about your lies Kang Taehyun. Tricking me with your stories about protecting me and blah blah blah." She grabbed her gun out of her pocket and tossed it between her hands. "I know what you're really up to."

Taehyun kept silent as he watched her walk over to the center of the table. Her hands gripped the lid of a sliver platter before she looked down. "I paid your hands a little vist~"

Taehyun eyes widened as he looked away preparing to see the worst.

Y/N lifted the platter and laughed. "Oh I'm not that crazy~" she slipped away as the platter revealed a gross looking cake.

Y/N came back wheeling Soobin. His mouth was covered by cloth and his body was bound to chair like Taehyun.

Taehyun could see the fear on Soobin's face before the lights flickered on to reveal the other side of the table. Sitting unconscious in a chair, was Hueningkai. His face was bloody as his head hung.

Y/N crossed her arms and grew annoyed. "Hey nobody sleeps at my dinner party!" She stomped over to Kai before grabbing his shoulders and violently shaking him. Hueningkai burst awake before screaming into the cloth in his mouth and struggling in his chair.

"Stop don't do that!" Taehyun screamed as Kai quickly stopped his actions.

Y/N clapped and smiled. "Great now we have all our guests here. I'll bring out the main course!" She scurried away before coming back and dropping a large covered object on the table.

Y/N's hungry eyes stared at it before she licked her lips and pulled off the sheet which caused the three boys to lose color in their faces.

There laid in the middle was the z weapon.

"Isn't it lovely~" Y/N picked it up and examined it.

"That's what you destroyed all those places in Piltover for...parts to make the z weapon!" Taehyun shouted in horror.

Y/N's crazy eyes looked his. "Exactly!" She went over to him and dropped the weapon before smushing his cheeks. "See you understand. Silco told me to get the parts and so I did!"

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