Chapter 38

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   Eclipse waited for a few minutes, watching the water ripple ok the lake as she thinks over the conversation with her father. She sighs and stands up. At least the talk went smoother than she anticipated. She honestly expected him to blame her for what happened to Phoenix and disown her. She stops and turns off the path, following a hidden trail to a clearing overlooking a cliff. A small headstone sat, hidden by a log. She sits on the log and looks over the cliff as the sun beats down on her.

"Hey Jess..." she whispers softly. "It's been a while, and a lot has happened since I last visited. I found someone I think you'd approve of... I love her so much it makes my heart hurt sometimes." She smiles softly. "Dad found me too. Things are a little different than before, but it feels nice to be able to see them again."

She sighs. "I know now that we weren't meant to be... I wish you and Phoenix had told me about your feelings for each other before. Maybe this wouldn't have happened..." she stands up. "I hope you guys are together now... and if so... please tell Phoenix I'm sorry."

She starts walking back to the main path and heads back towards the academy. Frantic, high-pitched voices reach her ears as she gets closer. The gate comes into view, and she sees her sisters and Anna standing in front of it. The panicked looks on their faces turn to relief as Anna runs over to Eclipse.

"Where have you been?! We were starting to get worried." Anna wraps her arms around her waist.

"I'm sorry. Guess I lost track of time." She looks at her watch and visible winces as she realizes it's been 2 hours since her talk with dad. "I didn't mean to worry you. I'll be more mindful next time."

She kisses the top of Anna's head as she rests it on her shoulder.

"It's fine... just don't let it happen again." Anna pouts.

"Deal." Eclipse chuckles.

She turns to her sisters, "what are you 3 doing here?"

Zala smiles softly. "We came to apologize. Dad told us what you guys talked about and we realized that we hadn't been paying attention to how you were feeling. If we hadn't been so absorbed in our fun, then we would have noticed you were tiring out."

Spire and Midnight nod in agreement.

"It's fine. I should have spoken up anyway. Don't worry about it." Eclipse smiles back, "and please don't think about it too much? I don't like when people treat me differently just because I've had stuff happen to me. If I need the help then I'll let you know but until then, just treat me like you normally would."

"I think we can do that. Right girls?" Zalla looks back at the other two.

"Right!" They agree with a smile.

"Good... how about one more trip? I have something I need to pick up."

"Awe I have to get back to work though." Anna pouts as Eclipse kisses her cheek.

"Sorry babe."

Anna groans "you were supposed to let me off the hook."

Eclipse laughs. "Not this time. I'll be back before long." She kisses her and waves goodbye as they walk away.

"Soo... didn't want the girlfriend tagging along?" Spire grins teasingly.

"In a way... but not the one you're thinking of. The thing I need to pick up is a present for her. Nothing more. We've already talked, and I want to wait a bit longer before we take that step." Eclipse rolls her eyes at the implication.

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